The Story of the World's Best Luck


Perhaps the best-read book of all time is the Bible. But what kind of book is the Bible? Among many things, the Bible is a story—the Greatest and Truest Story of all. There are many ways of narrating this Story, but I love the way my husband, Glenn Packiam, did in one of his books, Lucky. Here’s an adapted excerpt. 

In the beginning, God. A good God made the world, and He called it good. This is how the Story begins. Man and woman were made to be God’s image-bearers, the ones who would rule over creation and care for it in God’s name and as God would, the ones who would most fully reflect Him. They were to multiply, producing other image-bearers who would reflect and reveal God, and in doing so would cover the earth with His glory.

But the image-bearers were not content to be with God; they wanted to be like Him. More than bearing His image they wanted His power, His autonomy, His unbounded freedom. For the creature to seek freedom from the Creator, to desire to be the Creator, is to say “I don’t need You. I am better without You.” It is an affront to the Creator, the ultimate insult. This rebellion was the beginning of evil in the creature and the end of perfectly bearing the image of the Creator. From that moment on, the image was marred, stained, tainted by the rebellion.

Because we are still bearers of God’s image we have some idea of how things should be, how the song should go, what the painting should look like. And yet because that image in us has been tainted by our sin, we recognize when there is injustice, we know that the song is being sung out of tune, that the painting has been smeared, that all is not as it should be.

Most religious stories get their shape by a human search for God. A prophet wanders off in the wilderness in search of God. Or a wise philosopher climbs the mountain to ponder truth. Or the old sage begins a quest for truth. But this Story does not begin with a man or woman searching for God. When the image-bearers realize that their attempt at living independently of their Creator has left them frail and vulnerable, they hide. Man and woman are not searching for God; they are hoping to avoid Him altogether. It is God then who says to Adam, “Where are you?”

From the beginning, God. God who is calling, God who is choosing, God who is blessing. Adam had been blessed by God, commissioned to multiply, to fill the earth with other image-bearers so that the world would be filled with the glory of God. Adam chose to attempt autonomy instead. Adam’s descendants are a mixed garden of grass and weeds; there are those who listened to God’s call, some with remarkable intimacy like Enoch, and those who ignored it, some with astounding audacity like Cain. 

The rebellion of the image-bearers reached a condensation point, and the sky became heavy with God’s judgment. It rained and rained and rained. When Noah and his family, singled out by God to survive these torrents, set foot on a land ready to bloom with new life, God re-issued His blessing: multiply, cover the earth with men and women who know God and reflect His image. Noah filled the earth, but with more fallen image-bearers. If God was going to show the world what He was like, it had to begin slowly, with one family, a family through whom all other families could be blessed. 

So God blessed Abraham. Abraham’s blessing was special. It wasn’t simply to re-create, to multiply. It was a call to carry the blessing to the world. To be clear about His plan, God didn’t stop with blessing Abraham; He blessed Abraham’s son, Isaac, and He blessed the son who got Isaac’s blessing, Jacob, through the man who wrestled with him until daybreak. The ones who received this blessing are forever remembered when this God is named. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 

As the seed of Abraham multiplied, it is they who did the blessing, passing on what Yahweh had given them. They were not merely fallen image-bearers; they were to be luck-bearers. They carried God’s blessing, and they were to bring it to the world.

In Frederick Buechner’s novel of Jacob’s life, he describes the moment that Jacob realizes the significance of his children, born from four different mothers, but of the same seed:

I was like a man caught out in a storm with the wind squalling, the sand flailing me across the eyes, the chilled rain pelting me. The children were the storm, I thought, until one day, right in the thick of it, I saw the truth of what the children were…

…They were the dust that would cover the earth. The great people would spring from their scrawny loins. Kicking and howling and crowing and pissing and slobbering food all over their faces, they were the world’s best luck.

The world’s best luck. The world’s best chance of being renewed, of being restored with their Creator, would come through this nation, this people, Israel.

But this people chosen to carry luck to the world failed to keep listening to the Creator. There were glimmers of remarkable radiance, when they were a light unto the nations. Yet they set up golden calves, images borrowed from their pagan neighbors, and called them Yahweh. They forgot that when God told them to have no other gods He was telling them that He was enough for the. By using other gods to secure their wishes and control their outcomes, they were repeating the sin of their first Father and Mother: they were becoming a god unto themselves.

CLICK HERE to read more 

Making Choices That Invest in Eternity



All day long, I have been wanting to write an article about important issues, inspiring ideas, profound thoughts that we must consider if we are going to be bold and relevant in this mixed up culture. I see women focussing on small matters, fixating on things that will pass away, while right in front of them are children who will be adults who need to have a mentor to help shape their souls, a teacher who will stimulate their minds, a friend who will listen and believe in them, a leader who will model integrity, and those who will teach them the priceless value of building a family heritage.

Children need these models of righteous life--their moms! Yet, so many women do not accept the challenge or live frustrated  lives, being overcome by busyness and missing the opportunity to shape souls in the moments of life.  This is what I wanted to write about, but ......

But Nathan is filming a movie in town and the staff are staying at our house. We have guests that need to be sought out and listened to and fed. I had a rare opportunity to spend some time with Joel today while he was getting his visa for Scotland in Denver, knowing he will be leaving to pursue his masters and further education in the next few years. So,  I decided that I could write later. This was a moment to invest in our friendship and in his heart, to talk about eternal issues, to discuss things that mattered. And so I put aside my writing one more time in order to invest in him. 

Then upon coming home, I found one of the sweet ones visiting us, alone, so soon another hour was gone. Finally, Nathan texted and said, "Mom, another actor is arriving at the Park and Ride. Could you pick him up and take him to dinner?"

And so I did, and his name was Michael. And our conversation was full of life. Now, almost bedtime, I realize that I was making choices today to mentor, to disciple, to invest in the precious life of the one right in front of me, even though I did not get my "work" finished.

This is something I learned to embrace many years ago--I have a stewardship to seek to bring light to everyone God brings across my path, and to particularly invest in my children who are for some years my primary disciples, so that they can grow strong. 

You and I only have this day, this moment to choose to live for what matters.

"Teach us to number our days that we might present to thee a heart of wisdom."

Psalm 91:12

As I was pondering these thoughts--that I want to make the most of every day, I remembered this article I had written several years ago with the same thoughts.. I will wrap up how it applies to my life now at the end......

I can never remember a time when there were not piles of responsibilities stacking up, vying for my attention. As long as I can remember, there is always more to do, not less. Today was no different. Out of town company all weekend for a concert we sponsored in our church meant more cooking, more cleaning, late nights and more talking and serving. Today, a big Sunday breakfast for all in my house, rushing to church, and then picking up more out of town friends, dear to our hearts, to visit the whole afternoon long. A tea time, pie, both pecan and berry, and lots of talking and talking, more dishes, and then delivering them at a conference nearby.

This blog was looming over my mind,  as I wanted to write about what mattered most in life,  to encourage you, my sweet friends. Two final deadlines for an impending writing project and important deadlines for my book launch, as well as 3 letters that must be written.

All of these were piling and increasing my stress level.

When I searched the landscape of my mind, I pondered this gorgeous fall day--God has painted the leaves in such an amazing way today, and I have hardly had time to notice. I have Joel at home all by himself  apart from the other kids, for a rare occasion, and he particularly loves our long walks together. Our other guest, Matthew, is someone our family greatly values and I know he would love to see our special walking trails and sunset views. If I go, I will not get my work finished and will have more on my plate tomorrow.

But, I have made a goal this year to own my life more completely by choosing to invest personally with real live people right in front of me. And so, now, this moment, is when the test comes to challenge my commitment.

Will I choose work, again, to keep faithfully at my piles, or will I take this moment that I may not have again, to invest, to make a memory. It is not an issue of a rule or formula, but a commitment I have made in my heart to not make my duties more important than my people.

This moment challenges the personal commitment I have made.

And so, instead of writing this blog, instead of staying home to get ahead for my Monday piles, I chose Sabbath--to focus on the personal, right in front of me reality.




Pinks, golds, ambers, yellows colored our happy path as we spoke of music, stories, ideas, dreams, hopes. The former boy, now man moving into his glory as he surmounts life and shares the moments one more time, with me, his now much smaller than him, mama. My heart warmed at his eagerness to be my friend. My heart swelled at this little boy became man, and such a strong good one. My happiness fills as now, my son and true closest of friends, chooses me to spend his last afternoon minutes, instead of the busyness that is piling high on his plate. Now, he is choosing to invest personally in me, instead of choosing work.

Gone!!!! Too quickly, the time I can invest will be over, gone forever.

Gone!!!! Too quickly, the time I can invest will be over, gone forever.

Too quickly, the sun went down, our walk came to the edge of the path, our cherished moments came to an end, but my heart had this precious soul memory stored in the treasure chest of my own heart to hold dear for the years to come.

Too quickly your path will also come to an end and the window of time in which you can love and influence will close for a new phase of life for your children ahead.

The work will somehow all get done, eventually,

but this glorious day, I chose to celebrate with God in His art gallery, in the intimate moments that I will have to cherish for years to come.


Special Invitation: Come have a (virtual) cup of tea with me!

CLS Blog Podcast footer logo only.jpg

I wish you could sit beside me on the wooden porch rockers for a lingering chat with a cup of something delicious.  I would love to know what is swimming in your own heart and to hear your thoughts about life. Meeting with women, hearing your stories and encouraging you through my own stories has brought me great joy over my life.

Even more, though, when I look at the landscape of our culture and the values that are being supported in public arenas, I see that the foundation of family is being destroyed every day. And yet, I believe that a strong family bond, mothers dedicated to building emotional, spiritual and moral strength in the lives of their children and marriages that hold fast through storms of life are more important than ever.

A strong family life is still the best indicator that a person will thrive and be able to live a sustainable life. But the carrying out of these traditional biblical ideals is challenging and lonely at this time of history. These are the messages I would share with you—your life as a mom, wife, and Christian matters more now than ever. And in a world where relationships have been broken, and families have been fractured, all the more, we each need support and encouragement of one another of how to keep building strong foundations for life.

This is why I am excited to announce a new project that has been bubbling up in my heart.  Cultivating Life with Sally is my new membership site designed to encourage you in the areas of motherhood, home, discipleship, leadership, and education.   

Cultivating Life with Sally will be a place to find lifegiving messages from me and my friends along with supplemental materials to help you dive deeper and bring God’s grace into your life and home in new ways.   There will be audios and videos, printable PDFs, reflection questions and more.  The lovely ladies at Storyformed will also be providing bonus content that will not be available anywhere else.

Cultivating Life with Sally will provide a place for me to mentor you toward a deeper relationship with Jesus.  I can’t wait to share with you what I am learning as I study my Bible each day.  My goal is that women will grow in their walk with God and then in turn grow in their capacity to love and serve their husband, children, friends and neighbors. 

Join us in Cultivating Life with Sally- with new content each month, it will be as if we are attending a mini-conference together several times a year.  Doing the leadership intensives in my home has been rewarding but this gives me the chance to share the same encouragement and Bible studies with anyone who is interested. 

During the first few months, we will also have a special study of composers and maybe along the way, artists. This is something that you can listen to with your children, then run to the library for a few of the suggested books and enjoy learning about the lives of some amazing musicians together as a family. 

I will be discussing the book of Hebrews and principles of how to have faith and stay faithful, even when you don’t feel like it. Recipes, traditions, and ideas from our lives will fill your library of resources as we slowly build a treasury of training and ideas over the months.

Here is a little video to introduce you to Cultivating Life with Sally.


I hope that you’ll consider joining me at Cultivating Life with Sally.  Registration opens September 5, 2017.

A Heart For Patience

Episode #92 A Heart for Patience

I can do all things through Him [Christ] who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty … I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well."


What are you bearing today that feels impossible to you? Are there circumstances, difficulties or burdens that drain your heart and soul? Often times, when we are called upon to grow in character and endurance, when we need others to help encourage us most of all, is when we can feel the most isolated and utterly alone.

In this podcast, Sally and Kristen want to encourage you and give you tools to overcome what you are facing today by giving FIVE practical ways to cultivate a heart of patience and peace in your own life and in the hearts of your children. They talk candidly about their own struggles, verses that have helped to bolster their hearts and have meant so much to their own families, and what it has meant to them to learn how to trust God's story for their lives. 

Then, Kristen is joined by Mom Heart national team member, Gretchen Roberts who shares her heart for ministry and has an exciting announcement about a new membership site called Cultivating Life With Sally that is opening in September! So many of you have asked for more teaching, training and opportunities to learn from Sally for so long and our entire team is thrilled that there is now a place where you can do just that! Check out more information below and be sure to subscribe to to stay in the loop on updates about when membership opens.

What we Talk about:

-5 Things you can cultivate in your life to be able to endure faithfully

-How to embrace faithfulness as a daily choice in your life

-Learning to believe that God truly cares for you, that He will be faithful in His time, and believe that your faith has value.

-How to gain an eternal perspective and allow our character to be formed in suffering.

-When and why it is important to get help and counseling to encourage you.

-Why it is important to rest and refresh in the midst of stress and ideas for how to find simple ways to delight in life and find strength to keep going.

-Learning how to invest yourself in Truth, and take every thought captive when anxiety and fear creep in.


Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 

James 5: 7-8 “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being A HEART FOR PATIENCE 162 patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near."

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him [Christ] who strengthens me."

Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline."

Hebrews 10:35-36, 39 "Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. … But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul."

1 Corinthians 10:13  "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." 

Psalm 18:31-32  "For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God, the God who girds me with strength and makes my way blameless? He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and sets me upon my high places."


I am so excited about projects I have been working on this summer with my dream team--sweet kindred spirits who are so skilled at helping me put together messages, resources, study guides, and of course Bible study and interesting stories for your children.

But, I can't wait to share my new book, The Lifegiving Table, with all of you. I am passionate about discipleship and mentoring your children and influencing your friends and this book will open new ideas and windows of wisdom to help you know how to do this. 

And we have some really amazing gifts to give away to celebrate the launch. But, you have to be a subscriber to my blog to win. The reason for this is that we have had numerous winners in the past who were not a part of our network and never answered our emails. One grand prize winner who won a plane ticket to my home had never even heard of me. We want to have people who participate and win be those of our regular audience so we can bless those who read and listen to us every week. So this is our attempt to be able to bless those who are a part of this community. So, be sure to sign up to subscribe to my blog so that you can be a part of receiving my weekly newsletter with different articles and also to be able to enter the giveaways that are coming. We will develop a launch team this week and you will hear more.

So excited!  



Cultivating Life with Sally Membership Site

We are really excited to introduce Sally's new membership site.  The areas in which Sally will be mentoring us include: motherhood, home, discipleship, leadership, education and Storyformed bonus content.  Check back tomorrow for more info…

We are really excited to introduce Sally's new membership site.  The areas in which Sally will be mentoring us include: motherhood, home, discipleship, leadership, education and Storyformed bonus content.  Check back tomorrow for more information!  

Find this week's Bible memory pdf by clicking here: Week 9 Bible memory

This is our last calendar to be posted on the blog--we hope you've enjoyed them this summer! You'll find more about our plans for similar things as part of tomorrow's announcement. Find this month's Lifegiving Calendar, here! LifegivingAugust

LifeGIFTS for Life Giving: Grace

In planning for an intentional life with our children, it helps to think through what sort of framework might be necessary in order to build what we envision in our homes.

In Matthew 7:9-12, Jesus pictures God as a good father. A child who asks for a fish knows he will receive a fish, not a snake. A child who asks for bread knows he will receive bread, not a stone. Your children are asking you to give them a taste of real spiritual life—the same life of the Spirit that they see at work in your own heart. They want to learn from you not just how to live for Christ, but also how they can have the life of Christ they see in you in their own lives. If you are not actively imparting that life to them, then your passivity is the same as a snake or a stone to your child. Decide what you will give them and then determine to provide it. Like the five loaves and the two fishes offered in simple faith by a young boy, God will take what you have to give and multiply it to spiritually feed your children.

LifeGIFTS: A Model for Home Nurture

There is a tendency to view nurture as a kind of home version of “Random Acts of Kindness.” It’s not often viewed as something that necessarily needs to be planned for ahead of time, but rather as the spontaneous, by-the-Spirit acting out of life-giving love and good deeds. Spiritual spontaneity is a commendable characteristic for any Christian home, but a full expression of home nurture requires more. If nurture is about feeding your children’s spirits so they will grow in their longing for God, then you need to approach that task with the same forethought that you would a garden. If you want to nurture something to grow, you have to go about it thoughtfully and deliberately.

When we were starting our family, we realized early on that we wanted a simple model to help us give to our children gifts of life—gifts that would enable them to become life-givers to a world of life-seekers. That thought gave birth to LifeGIFTS, an acronym reminder of the five gifts of life we wanted to be sure we were passing on to our children—Grace, Inspiration, Faith, Training, and Service. LifeGIFTS became a simple model to help us actively nurture and disciple our children. The illustration below visualizes the balance of the five priorities among head (knowledge), heart (faith), and hands (actions), with one side fostering desire, the other ability. The result is that LifeGIFTS instill desireability in your children.


The gift of grace is the desire and ability to relate personally and purposefully to God and people. The gift of grace prepares your children to become channels of God’s grace and love to other people. A person who cannot relate personally and purposefully to God or to people will, without fail, be handicapped or even hindered in life and ministry. A faithful message and a fruitful ministry are effective and powerful only to the degree that they are characterized by grace in the messenger and minister. In order to be channels of grace, your children must not only know how to receive grace from God, but they also must know how to give God’s grace to others. The quality of graciousness (being a grace giver) will make your children equally at home with both commoners and kings and will make others they come in contact with feel accepted and valuable. Even simple courtesies become powerful tools of God’s grace. Graciousness removes barriers and builds bridges. It affirms the worth and value of another person. It opens the channel by which the light of God’s grace and truth can flow into a darkened world through your children.

Read more about LifeGifts in Educating the Wholehearted Child!

Educating the WholeHearted Child -- Third Edition
By Clay Clarkson with Sally Clarkson

Storyformed Podcast Episode #11 - Pursuing Wisdom For Life

In this episode, Holly Packiam and Jaime Showmaker discuss our quest as Christians to be lifelong learners and carriers of wisdom. They share from their own journey as children of God, moms, and parents what it looks like to pursue wisdom for a lifetime. 

Topics include:

  • The understanding of a disciple of Christ as a learner
  • The characteristics of a lifelong learner
  • The importance of modeling a lifestyle of learning to our children
  • Practical ways to pursue wisdom
  • Books to inspire lifelong learning

Click HERE to listen to the podcast!

The Importance of Training in Love

"Love covers a multitude of sin."  "Love is a perfect bond of unity." "A gentle answer turns away wrath." "They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another." "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging symbol." The Bible is full of verses about love!

What a motley crew we are! Some introverts, some extroverts, some moody, some more prone to anger--and all a wonderful mix of personality, love, dreams, passion, messes -- human! Yet we are held together, by God's grace, through love, loyalty, and a commitment to be there for each other no matter what.

I am a harmony-oriented person. I do not like arguing, harshness, anger, or critical attitudes (unless of course it is my critical attitude, because of course I am perfectly just in my opinions!) But raising a family of sinful, immature people is most often a challenge. My boys are so different that I thought they never would grow up to be friends. There is so much natural tension between a couple of my children that I wondered if they would ever get along. 

When the boys would fuss, I used to read them the story of Cain and Abel and tell them that all boys are tempted to fight and be jealous and that it results in terrible consequences. Obviously, Cain and Abel served as quite the models for that! Then I would read them Psalm 133:1 where it says, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!"

"That is the standard that pleases God. Unity. Peace. How could you have said that more graciously to your brother? You boys need to stay in this room until you have settled your differences. I don't care if it takes two months! You cannot come out until you have made peace and have prayed together and can behave in a civilized way."

Not only did that force them to come to some agreement, it removed the disagreement from the middle of our living room! Often, the issues would be so petty. Does that ever happen in your house? "He sat on my side of the cushion!" as I was reading out loud to them. Or, "Why do I have to clean up the dishes, I didn't even eat lunch here today" or some combination of these types of words! There was a constant dripping of fussing and complaints over the years, always followed by correction, instruction, and saying words of forgiveness and prayers. I had no idea if they were listening to Clay and me as we trained and disciplined and corrected all those years.

With the girls it was often a matter of correcting those disrespectful or condescending attitudes or looks--especially in the teen years. No one got away with an "attitude" toward me or Clay for too long. Heart correction was our focus.

This kind of training and instruction can be wearying. Not to mention the stresses in marriage--finances, values, neglect, work loads, all sorts of issues that could be damaging. 

But we sought over and over again to love, correct, forgive and give grace. We always said, "It is natural to fuss and disagree and hold grudges. It is supernatural to love and be humble and give grace. When we live in the power of the Holy Spirit, He calls us to love and give grace--period--no excuses--it is the standard of God's love and ways for us."

Many words of kindness were given in notes, appreciation and life-giving words were modeled and practiced, and even though our household could shake the roof with issues and disagreements, the standard was always to get back to loving, giving grace, staying committed, and adjusting to each other's differences.

How important this "love training" is. The reason there are so many divorces, child abuse, feelings of abandonment in the hearts of children and adults, is because loving and serving one another takes a lot of work and sacrifice and humility--and that work is not natural to us.

To love is a choice of obedience out of our own love for Christ. And every single time you choose to extend love, to speak gently instead of losing your temper, looking to the heart of your little ones instead of judging them harshly, you are serving God, loving Him well. Our service of sacrifice to others if our worship to God--and it matters. Indeed it does. I have seen that my boys and my girls were taking it all in, but the seeds I planted just took time to grow strong and big. Don't give up--your life and love matters so much. 

If we are to please Christ, there is no other option--we are commanded to love.

How are you focusing on "love training" this summer?

A Heart for Hospitality

Episode #91 A Heart for Hospitality

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"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2

"Hospitality isn't about inviting people into our perfect homes, its about inviting them into our imperfect hearts."- Edie Wadsworth

Do you want to open your home but find it to be so much work to get everything perfect before welcoming friends in? In this episode of At Home With Sally and Friends, Sally and Kristen talk about what lies at the very heart of hospitality: a willingness to make room for others, because that is God's heart for us. They share about precious memories that they have over the years of times when they prepared their homes for others to enjoy and why the love of God, and the love of a family are meant to be shared. Then Kristen is joined by Chystal Evans Hurst who shares how she teaches her children to practically make room for others and how we care for our own souls while pouring out to those who need us. 

What we talk about:

The Heart of Hospitality

Practical ways to welcome others in and show God's love

What it means to welcome and show love to strangers

How Christians must keep doors to the world around us open

How to plan a feast for those you invite in

How to teach your children to add beauty to your home

How to train your children in the art of conversation and prepare them for guests

The Keys to Understand Being a Great Host


Hebrews 13:2 "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."

Romans 12:13 "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality."

Psalm 68:6 "God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity,
but the rebellious dwell in a parched land."

Matthew 25: 31-46 "

“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.

“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?  And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?  When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’  The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;  for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;  I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’  Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not [a]take care of You?’  Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’  These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Links to find Chrystal Evans Hurst





Chrystal Hurst is writer, speaker, and worship leader in addition to serving as the chief executive operating officer in her home as a wife, mother of five and grandmother to one. She is a self-proclaimed ”geek”; and bibliovore, who is actively seek…

Chrystal Hurst is writer, speaker, and worship leader in addition to serving as the chief executive operating officer in her home as a wife, mother of five and grandmother to one. She is a self-proclaimed ”geek”; and bibliovore, who is actively seeking help for her addiction to Starbucks, sweet tea, and chocolate chip cookies. Chrystal is co-author of, Kingdom Woman and her second book, She’s Still There coming out this summer. She also blogs and podcasts regularly at Chrystal’s Chronicles where she poignantly reflects her thoughts about her faith and day-to- day experiences.


Click here to download and print this week's Bible Memory Printable! Week Eight Bible Memory

Living a Life of Joy--in an Imperfect World!

      One afternoon, I was particularly determined to get all my work completed by the end of the day. I drove downtown toward a quiet hotel, with a secluded lobby, where I would be free to write without any interruptions. I had to stop on the way because my gas tank was on empty. (Someone had borrowed my car and left it without gas!)

      Next, I stopped at a coffee shop. Before I ordered, I saw a mug on sale and thought, I would much rather drink out of a real mug so I bought it. I turned to walk away from the counter—and promptly dropped my new purchase. It shattered into hundreds of pieces. I bent down to clean it up and saw that the coffee had spilled on my new shirt. Finally after I cleaned up the mess and fixed my shirt as best as I could, I got on the road again—and was promptly halted by a long, unexpected construction detour. It wasn't dire circumstances, but every moment was a new irritation. I suppose we all have days like this. 

      I could feel my frustration mounting, my stomach slowly turning in knots. Tempted to become irritated at how my day was going, I realized that I was wasting my time, fretting and that it wasn't going to do any good. It's as though a little angel pricked my heart to remind me that God had not lost control. Slowly, I decided to give this book I was working on and its deadline over to the Lord. I  chose not to pay attention to the broken mug and my dirty shirt. After so many years of living in the throes of life, I breathed and remembered that this chaos is just part of normal life. So I put on some quiet instrumental music, sat back in my seat, and slowly began to enjoy the peace as I waited to move through the congested traffic.

       A commitment to living a life of joy involves a one-time decision in our heart: "Lord, I want to know your joy every day of my life, and I will seek to find out what it means to dwell in your presence in joy."

Choosing to cultivate joy through challenging circumstances requires us to look for God’s fingerprints along the way. 

      Experiencing joy, though, is a long-term process and it takes a lifetime to slowly move from stress mode to living into the peace God wants us to know through all the moments of life—a journey toward maturity as we begin to be aware of those thoughts and worries that would steal our joy.

        The more we practice taking all of our troubled thoughts captive, the more easily we will recognize them before they take hold in our heart. Practice and discipline provide strength training for our mental muscles and heart responses. So walking in the reality of joy is a road we truly find only as we mature and become stronger. The more consistently we follow that path—believing in God's goodness and turning away from Satan's taunts—the more the habit to submit to the Lord and trust him becomes second nature.

        We can make a commitment to take every situation, every feeling, every fear to God as it happens. We don't have to remain in a state of emotional separation from the Lord every time we get out of step. We simply have to practice walking each step with him and allow his presence to bring us the joy that comes from resting in the arms of our capable dance partner through each measure of life's song.

Paul wrote, "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). What does it mean to take every thought in your head "captive" to the obedience of Christ?

Are there any specific patterns of thought (fear, jealousy, irritation, impatience) that you struggle with? How does this rob your joy?

What do you need to do to change that pattern?

I've written more about intentionally living a life of joy in Dancing With My Father. You can find it here!

A Wholehearted Booklist

One of the requests we get most frequently here at Storyformed is for book lists. We love to give recommendations and, while we are always working behind the scenes to curate the very best books for you and your family, today we thought that we would point you to a list that our lovely founder, Sarah Clarkson, compiled.

Storyformed is an arm of Whole Heart Ministries, founded by Clay and Sally Clarkson. The mission of Whole Heart is "to encourage and equip Christian parents to raise wholehearted children for Christ." As part of that mission, Sarah has frequently spoken at conferences about the impact of story in the discipleship process. She created this list of recommended children's literature in response to requests for book recommendations from her talks. We hope that you will enjoy this resource and then take some time to look around at all of the other resources that Whole Heart Ministries has to offer as you and your family live a story worth telling.

Click HERE to view Sarah Clarkson's list of recommended children's literature.