Favorite Architecture Books

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I've written before and spoken often on the Storyformed podcast of how my oldest son has been bitten by the architecture bug. Before he could even talk well, he was often attempting to build copies of famous buildings and landmarks using blocks, various toys, and even things like toast or marshmallows.  I have tripped over Lego castles, books stacked like pyramids, and cathedrals made out of cups more times than I can count.  After using various media to build his little landmarks, it wasn’t long before he came to me and said, “Mommy, how did they really build that?” Fortunately, award-winning illustrator David Macaulay has published an exquisite series of picture books that accurately answer his question and fit the bill perfectly!

Macaulay is a Caldecott medal winner with a background in architecture, and he showcases his talent and extensive knowledge through outstanding pen and ink drawings in his architecture-themed books. The first book that we acquired, and the first one that Macaulay published, was Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction. It chronicles the building of a fictional medieval cathedral in France, from its conception to completion.  It wasn’t long before we also collected Castle, which traces the planning and construction of a fictional castle in 13th Century Wales, and City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction, which explains how a typical Roman city was designed and built. We also own and love Pyramid, where Macaulay unravels the mystery of how the ancient Egyptian pyramids could have been constructed. Mill and Mosque are on our wish list. All of these books are similar in style and are outstanding for so many reasons.


Each of Macaulay’s architecture books is exquisitely illustrated with black and white pen and ink drawings. The detail that he captures is extraordinary! He uses cross-hatching and other artistic techniques to produce an almost 3D effect in the architectural elements. The intricate pictures are realistic and often humorous (like a stereotypical culprit in the castle dungeon and a detailed drawing of a medieval toilet). Each page contains these large-scale illustrations, and my boys and I enjoy examining the drawings and trying to find details that we missed in earlier observations, like oxen in the field or a dog begging for table scraps. Although the book does contain text, the illustrations are so thorough and detailed, you can easily follow the progression of the story from the pictures alone. Macaulay has won several awards for these books, including a Caldecott honor, and it is easy to see why!  (Note: In recent years, Macaulay has released revised editions of CathedralCastle, and Mosque that contain color illustrations!)

To read more and to view the Storyformed book suggestions, click HERE.

Friends Help Light Our Way! (Plus a quick, simple recipe--Veggie Wraps!)

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“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  John 1:5

Traveling is a pretty big part of my life, and some years ago I had flown to Nashville a day early for an event so I could stay with my beloved friend, Gwen Todd, in Kentucky. Gwen was the first friend who taught me the value of commitment and love as I worked alongside her in ministry. We are indeed like sisters.

Except … Gwen didn't meet me at the airport. I found out that she was stuck in her Kentucky cottage with her elderly mother, who was quite frail and required Gwen’s constant care.  They had been without electricity, lights or heat for the past three days and nights because of an ice storm!

So, another dear friend loaned me a car and I stopped at a store to quickly pick up a meal and drive to Kentucky. It was like a ghost town--no working stop lights, no store or street lights anywhere, trees fallen in the street … As I finally approached the house after two hours of driving through the dark, I saw a candle in the window of one house amidst a street of darkness--a candle my friend had lit for me!

 I eased into her driveway, knocking countless icicles off the bushes as I climbed out of the car. It was a winter wonderland, even in the dark. When I went to the door, there was my sweet friend, with candles aglow in the rooms beyond. She had found out I was coming from  a very short cell phone message that had finally gone through after two days. She actually had some chips and cheese waiting for me --the last fresh package of cold food to be had.

What a fun memory we made eating in candle-light, storing up one more memory of adventure. How thankful I was to be of encouragement to her in the midst of feeling alone in the dark--as she has helped me through years and years of crisis in my own home and she adopted my children when there was no other family to love them. So I owed her in a big way and was so blessed to sit in our gowns, cuddled under piles of blankets and enjoying the candlelight and life.

Life is so filled with challenges, unexpected stress, and draining circumstances. But friends are made to fill those voids and to bring the light of love into the dark places. Friendship and relationships that bridge the years of life require commitment and kindness. I have received endless love from Gwen and now we have this memory in our minds forever.

It happens that I am hoping to move into my flat before Sarah has her baby and I have been writing down some meals she and Thomas love that I will be able to throw together her first week of mamahood.

I will share with you another recipe from a  friend who served me in a time of need--and that Sarah loves.

 My friend Cindy inspired us, many years ago!

Random Veggie Wraps

Just sautee whatever veggies you have in the fridge--onions, carrots, chopped broccoli, mushrooms, peppers--you get the idea. Heat up whatever type wrap you like best, then smooth on a layer of humus (you could use mashed pinto or black beans, too!) Then, cover with mashed avocado, plus lime and/or salsa, and spread your veggies over the top! You can add chopped lettuce or cabbage on top as our salad finish and wrap it up! (I have to admit, my boys love this as long as I add some grilled chicken or ground meat. We all love our extra protein.)

Hope you'll enjoy it! There are tons of recipes in my book, The Lifegiving Table. Find it here on Amazon!



Tending Your Heart, Filling it with Delight OYL 10


Tending Your Heart and Investing In Your Soul

She called it her treasure chest. I had taken my fifteen year-old son Nathan with me on a special trip to Austria and Poland, the places where I had spent time as a missionary in my twenties. In an open air market in Krakow, I found a special souvenir to take back for Joy. It was a hand-carved box, made of glistening cherry wood, with soft red felt lining on the inside, and a cheerful-looking bear carved onto the top.

It was treasure chest for small treasures.

To my delight, Joy loved the box. She carried it with her everywhere collecting in it little treasures she would find. After playing outside, she would come in and place a beautiful bird feather or a shell in the box. After church, she carefully tucked away a bookmark with a prayer on it. After a trip to the Denver Art Museum, she tenderly folded the small print I bought her of a favorite painting and placed it inside.

She filled her little box to the brim, and at nights her eyes would shine with delight as she would take out each item to cherish them all. “My treasure box reminds me of all the beauty God has put in the world, Mama!”

Joy’s treasure box gave me an image of what it means to cultivate my soul and fill it with truth and beauty. Wherever Joy went, she carried with her a reminder of the light, beauty, and truth of God’s goodness. As Christians with the light of Christ in us, we should have hearts full of God’s treasures—beauty, grace, and truth—to sustain us in the darkness and to offer to others.

To have a rich treasure chest in our hearts, though, we must be intentional about pursuing activities and practices that fill the heart instead of draining it. God has filled the world with delights for us to encounter, and yet our culture often thinks of beauty, delight, art, and music as secondary pursuits which are perhaps a bit frivolous in comparison to the “real” work of being serious and holy.

I would suggest, however, that God wants us to worship him every bit as much in our delight as in our duty.

When we dwell on the extravagant delights God has given us in the world, our hearts are drawn toward Him in worship. When we gaze on God’s gifts of beauty to us, we find our eyes drawn away from the ugliness and sin of the world. Perhaps this is why Paul so sincerely exhorts the Philippians saying, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

When we fill our hearts with excellence and virtue, we find ourselves with a wealth of God’s goodness to offer others from the treasures we have collected. Just as Joy carefully filled her box, so we must learn to intentionally pursue activities  that will fill the treasure chest of our hearts with good things. We should look for ways to fill our hearts, minds, and spirits with goodness, truth, and beauty—the things that inspire us, cause us to worship God, and bring light to others.

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting. that will fill the treasure chest of our hearts with good things. We should look for ways to fill our hearts, minds, and spirits with goodness, truth, and beauty—the things that inspire us, cause us to worship God, and bring light to others.

Heart, Mind, and Soul Restoration

Life is draining, every moment, all the time. We have bills to pay, work to do, meals to make, people to care for, tasks to complete--and then we must repeat these tasks again and again.

When we are constantly emptying our hearts, minds, and souls, it is essential that we take responsibility to keep filling them up. What we feed our inner bing will determine what we can give to those in our spheres of influence. What we have stored, cherished, and valued in our lives is reflective of our true selves.

If we wish to live out the best virtues of life, we must feed our minds, hearts, and souls upon all that is virtuous. Our souls reflect our true selves. What we have fed upon will be reflected through the ways we live in relationship to people and to the culture at large.

When you learn to take responsibility for your own well-being, you will produce a harvest of influence and grace in every other area that is influenced by your heart health.

An excerpt from Own Your Life, Chapter 10.

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Detour Ahead in Teenage Years! (Part Two)


(Find part one, here!)

The teen years are trying for most parents. But they don't need to be impossible! Here are two things I think are exceptionally important for parents to remember as their children move into teenage-hood:

1. Remember a gentle answer turns away wrath, as it says so well in Proverbs. I think that if we could see a ledger of how high emotions surged, we would definitely have more compassion. One child, who has always been a jewel of a child, had lots of tears as a teen--even over things as simple as "Please empty the dishwasher." This child was never overtly rebellious, but everything in her life was magnified; each event was exaggerated through her new emotions. Another, similarly easy going, also had more attitudes and frustration seemingly out of the blue. Two of mine went full fledged into more extreme emotions and occasional expressions of anger. Now, I feel so blessed to have seen all of the kids mature into wonderful adults and I feel so close to them. It just takes time to make it through this passage. You will need patience, kindness and a break once in a while.

If you find yourself in the stages of new hormones and feelings expressed through your children, now, for a moment, ask yourself the question, "When I am having a bout with hormones and anger or rage or emotions come upon me with no warning, how do I want others to behave towards me? I want them to treat me gently and to give me grace, understanding that it is not my real self. And so my teens want this from me! "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets" Matthew 7:12

2. Recognize that the most important desire of most teens is to be liked and desirable to kids their own age. This is not bad, it is normal. We want our children to want friends and to begin being attracted to the opposite sex! It means they are healthy and preparing for marriage. To react to them in fear and harshness is not godly--and it's certainly not wise. We may have fearful feelings, but our children don't want us to react to them in harshness and fear of what they might do. They are straining towards us learning to trust them and to understand them. Though they don't always talk about it, kids want to have someone safe like us to tell their deepest feelings to. If we have kept their relationship strong throughout elementary years, we will have a foundation to continue building on during the teen years.

During this phase, it is more important to hold their heart gently, with respect, rather than to choose treat them as small children and focus on their failures. Control is not the goal. There are bigger issues at hand---more temptation and pull toward the culture and other teens who may be unwise. So you want to be the one that your children can trust, who will not always react or criticize but one who seeks to listen and understand.

Ultimately, children of all ages want to be loved, listened to, understood as much as possible--just as we mamas do! May the Lord help us all to answer softly, and to be sensitive to our children's needs, even as those needs change over the years.

Storyformed Podcast - Season 2, Episode #23: Help! My Child Doesn't Love To Read!


In this episode, Holly Packiam and Jaime Showmaker discuss what to do when you have a reluctant reader. They discuss the different reasons for reluctance and how to be a detective to determine what is going on with your child or student.  

Topics Include: 

  • Specific developmental challenges to watch for in emerging readers
  • Reasons for reluctance in otherwise skilled readers
  • Strategies to apply to encourage a love of reading
  • Ways to build reading confidence

To listen to this Stoyformed podcast and to view the show notes, click HERE.

Warning, Parents of Young Children ... Detour Ahead! (Part One!)


Because I've been through it with each of my children, I know there is a mysterious point that happens in every child's life when he or she will no longer be a child who wants to be "mommy-ed," but turns away a little as they begin the process of becoming an adult. No amount of seeking to retrieve the innocent years will make this new phase go away. Suddenly, it is God's time for our children to begin growing up! Until that time, there is a long window of opportunity to pour in foundations of morality, truth, values, habits, and character. Then, suddenly, your whole relationship with your children will begin to shift and you know that there will be a detour ahead!

Over the years, a number of moms have asked me about how to keep the heart of preteens and teens when they start drifting away. I have definitely not been a perfect mom, but Clay and I have learned so much and have seen so much of His grace to keep us going along the way. I truly love my children as best friends and companions, and though so many days were irritating, the fruit of remaining under the load of these years, of cultivating patience with our children, has paid off so much more than we could have imagined.

I think it is of the utmost importance to focus on the heart of every child, rather than on their behavior. There is a reason that God uses the word "heart" over 800 times in scripture--"guard your heart," "love with all your heart," "the Lord looks at the heart," "man commits sin in their heart," etc.

Every child has a different personality, with different capacities and abilities. If we really believe we are supposed to study our children and seek to release the passions and personality and drives of their hearts so that they can pursue God's call on their lives, we will seek to be winsome, gracious, life-giving, and encouraging. If their behavior is our only focus, when they are young, we can force them to submit to us through pain or force simply because we are bigger than them! However, the short-term "success" could lead to long-term failure if this control causes us to lose their hearts, and any capacity to love and obey with joy in following our wishes just because they feel connected to us.

If, when your children are young, in the midst of training them and holding up God's ideals, you also serve them and love them unconditionally, then you will be laying a foundation for them to be willing to listen to you when they are older.

Remember this, all children, whatever the age, want to know they have someone on their team, someone who loves them as they are, even amidst the flare-ups and emotional outbursts. We all long to know someone believes in our worth. Speaking forward into our children's lives, even when we don't think they are listening, is building towards the voices they hear in their head, "I must be ok. Mom believes in me."

It's difficult when you sense your children begin to shift to the stage of moving away from you somewhat. Of course, you want your children to grow up and move toward becoming healthy adults. So what are the symptoms that change is coming? One of the biggest clues is more frustration and tears over seemingly small issues--moodiness and attitudes that you didn't see before. And it happens to both boys and girls!

"You never listen to what I am trying to tell you....."

"You always make me feel guilty."

"I'm an adult. I know what I am doing!" ( :))

"I want to do it myself."

"Oh, I don't have anything to wear!"

"I am so ugly."

"No one likes me."

This is all a sign of hormones surging--not a reflection of how good or bad a mother you are, but about your children growing up. I have learned some things over the years that have helped give me entrance to their hearts.

Stay tuned--come back for more on the detour of teenage years!


Fresh Wind for the Journey, Own Your Life 7&8 & A new podcast

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Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.


Wanting to make Sunday morning a day of delight for Joy and Joel on their last Sunday home for many months, I arose early, tromped downstairs to make 4 loaves of bread so that we could have an exceptional breakfast, I was feeling pleased with myself. While waiting for the bread to rise, I made Joy a cup of tea and took it upstairs to her in bed. My heart was all good. I was intending to shower love and spoil my two before they went back into the fray.

But suddenly a dark spirit must have jumped into my body because when everyone came downstairs, I got off kilter, threw out a frustrated bomb on all who were in my wake and pretty much spoiled the morning I had so intended to make our time so beautiful. I felt sick that I had blown it and ruined the morning. But, by God's grace, my sweet ones extended grace, eventually giggled with me and said, "Mama, we think you need a break!" And all is well, again.

Have you ever been trying to be good when all that has come out is bad? :)

I think that sometimes it is just such a frustrating part of life. Our hearts are good, our deeds are sometimes awful. Paul identifies with us. He said, "Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?"Romans 7:24

We are not able to live the Christian life--only Christ living through us, the Holy Spirit inside of us, can live His life and love through us when we learn to yield to Him, again and again. I was reminded of this when I read this piece I had written years ago. Maybe you can relate. It was another one of those times when I meant to be patient.


It’s a miracle! I thought to myself as I closed the door behind me. Somehow I had managed to slip out of bed without waking Clay, slip on my shoes and a comfy sweater, and get out the door for a Saturday morning coffee--even at 6:15.  As I sat in the cozy corner of the café, coffee in hand, I basked in the delight of a stolen moment alone. I read my morning verses, and jotted down some deep thoughts in my journal. I will be so kind, very loving, and patient today, I thought.

And then my phone rang. “Mom! Where are you? What are we going to do today?” I responded patiently with this child (how could I not be patient in such a lovely moment?) and explained that I’d be home in just a little while to do something fun with the whole clan. Even just thirty minutes alone was rejuvenating for me, but I sighed nonetheless.

But then the phone rang again. “Hey, honey! Who’s going to take Joy downtown for her appointment?” This time it was my husband's voice. I pondered on this. There were no less than four adults in our home who could drive; perhaps one of them could manage? This was my one morning alone. Even so, I continued to talk with Clay as we puzzle-pieced schedules. As I ended the phone call, I breathed deeply. The coffee and quiet started to enchant my soul back into a pleasant attitude.

And then the phone rang. Again. Everyone was hungry and wanted breakfast. With another sigh, I gathered myself, thanked God for the few moments of peace, and resolved to enjoy the day and cherish my beloved ones. This thought was barely a notion in my mind when I walked through the door to discover the dog had thrown up on the new carpet.

I think I need another cup of coffee.

So many times in my life I have encountered the tension between wanting to be Spirit-filled and gracious, and then being overwhelmed by my own attitudes, the unexpected situations of my life, or the many clashing personalities of my family members. Life tends to have a sandpaper effect on my attempts to be holy. These times have led me explore what it means to live in the power of the Spirit.

Throughout Scripture, the Holy Spirit is often described using the analogy of wind, or breath. When explaining the mysteries of the Spirit to Nicodemus, Jesus said:

“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

The Greek word Jesus uses is pnuema, which can be translated as wind, breath, or spirit. Later, when Jesus is commissioning his disciples, Scripture manifests the metaphor into an actual happenstance: “And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’” (John 20:22).

Again and again the Holy Spirit is described as breath which brings life, and wind which provides direction.

Breath is a daily necessity. We cannot live without breathing, and it is a constant need moment to moment. The same sort of dependence we have on breathing is how we ought to depend on the Holy Spirit. Living in the power of the Holy Spirit means letting the Spirit of God be the breath that allows me to make it through every day. Relying on the assistance of the Holy Spirit should become as natural to me as breathing in and out.

To live only within the mundane constrictions of daily life is not to be alive at all. 

Christian means, "Christ in one." When we live in Him, we are "in Christ Jesus." When I learned this secret--owning the Holy Spirit's strength in my life--I was transformed.

Christians cannot flourish apart from making God's Spirit the source of their spiritual lives. 

Even the phrase "spiritual life" refers to the Spirit-living-through-us life. I am not speaking of some kind of unique charismatic experience (though throughout history, people have experienced God's filling in different ways), but of a power that we can never muster up on our own. It might be described as:

*an inner strength *a voice that calls us to become more excellent *an energy that moves us to love and forgive supernaturally *a fruitfulness that can only be explained by God

When the Holy Spirit directs our course, the natural consequence is a life outside of normal striving or fleshly effort. We are able to live beyond our own capacity.

To tap into the power of Scripture, choose five verses of Scripture that encourage you and memorize them through the next month. Start with this verse: "Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16). 

Chapter 7 in Own Your Life helps us understand the Holy Spirit's role in our lives and how we can have even more of Him.

I hope you enjoy the podcast today where I also share about the importance of cultivating spiritual habits that will give strong foundations to your life. 

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Whose Advice are You Taking?


"I mean to have a quiet time, I want to read my Bible every day, but life is just so busy and I hope that God knows my heart. I just can't seem to fit it in."

Busyness truly does wrap itself around our moments and squeeze out our moments of quiet and the peace that comes from pondering God, His word, His ways. Having just come to Oxford to await the baby, I have been most grateful for a slower lifestyle, walking to the grocery store, rubbing shoulders with real live people along my way, having a break from the constant press of social media.

"He restoreth my soul," a phrase from my childhood comes to mind. This is my hope for myself right now--that He will lead me beside the still waters, and restore my own slightly empty, weary soul from all the happenings of life I have born the past year. God daily wants to companion every moment of my journey and without His voice, I find my heart and soul dry, thirsty for His love and reality.

Do you feel some of this dryness or need for restoration?

I recently ended a speaking tour in another state by giving a talk at a lovely ladies' tea. The precious moms who attended were quite responsive to my talks and seemed to especially enjoy the civilized atmosphere in which we ended the day. As I sat enjoying my nibble of scone and sip of tea, a young woman came up to talk to me after the other women had dispersed to chat with friends or pick up their children from the nursery. She obviously didn't want anyone else to hear what she had to say to me.

"I feel so confused, and I'm desperately hoping you can help me," she said, diving right in as she sat down. She took my hand and continued speaking in a whisper. "I am a new Christian and didn't have a very good foundation in life—as a matter of fact, I was just left to myself to discover what I thought was true about life, morality; and values. I made a lot of mistakes and have a lot of emotional scars from the choices I made. I decided I didn't want my children to be scarred like I was, so I wanted to do a better job with them. I feel like I am starting this journey of motherhood already miles behind because I have nothing in my background that would show me the way to walk this journey.

As we talked the next half hour, I could sense her frustration mounting and spilling out from her tear-filled eyes.

"Because I didn't have my own beliefs, I feel that now I am subject to whatever I hear. I will read one book and it says to discipline in a certain way that feels harsh, so I will try to practice these theories for a while. Then I will hear a speaker or read another book that teaches exactly the opposite but also sounds reasonable. I am tempted to think I have ruined my children and need to go in yet another direction! How is a mom to know what to do?"

She isn't the only one asking. I have had many such conversations and talked to many women who feel the same way.

Our conversation is representative of the hearts of many women I've met. In the absence of having nurturing mothers who met their needs and cultivated a close relationship, they had never developed a plan or biblical direction that would guide them in their own lives. They had no basis or picture of what it meant to be a "good mother."

Through our years of ministry, Clay and I have coined a phrase:

In the absence of biblical convictions, people will go the way of culture.

Sally Clarkson

What we mean by this is that if a woman doesn't develop her own foundational principles of biblical wisdom to guide her through life, she will base her decisions in life upon the relative truth of those around her: friends, neighbors, and media. But Scripture is crystal clear about how important it is to turn from the world's counsel. Walking according to worldliness is a recipe for brokenness and disaster.

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

2 Timothy 4:2-4

Preach the Word so that people can discern God's truth and be kept from turning aside to myths. I see this process in the women I just mentioned. A thousand insistent voices constantly shout in our ears and hearts as a result of living in a media-driven, "expert"- informed age. Magazines, television, websites, newsletters, and the newspaper all pour out different perspectives of counsel. Advice is heard from every direction.

But we can't listen to all these voices just because they are loud. The wisdom that informs our lives must come directly from the Word of God.

As you make decisions about parenting, whose advice are you listening to? Is the Word of God your primary informant?

I write this blog because I know Jesus cares for you and I pray it might lead you into His presence. I also conduct the membership. It is my hope that many of you will be refreshed in March as you make time to listen to the content on our new membership, Life with Sally. Our desire is to fill your soul with the truth and words of His word and wisdom so that you may be refueled in all the places we, as a team of women, speak and write.

I am praying for you this very morning, that you will find rest for your hearts and souls. . 

East Chapter Books for Emerging Readers


One of the questions we get here at Storyformed is, “What books should I give to my child who can fluently read picture books, but is not quite ready for difficult chapter books?”

It’s a great question! I have experienced the same struggle! It seems like so many of the books in this category didn’t seem worth reading. Feeling at a loss when my oldest hit this stage in her reading journey, I went to a trusted, wise friend who had older kids. I asked her what she gave to her kids to read in this phase, and she let me peruse the ‘easy chapter book’ section of her home library. I’m delighted to report that many books on her shelf are now on my list! I hope there are some on this list that your kids will enjoy too.


Encyclopedia Brown by Donald Sobol

This series is a perfect one for young readers because of the way the story draws you in and practically forces you to pay attention. Children are invited to follow the trail of boy detective, Encyclopedia Brown. My five year old thoroughly enjoyed listening to my seven year old read these aloud to her! They both followed the story and tried to pick up on the clues hoping to solve the mystery before the end.

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The Littles by John Peterson

My kids have giggled and giggled as they have read the adventures of these tiny people called the ‘Littles’ who live in the walls of the ‘Biggs’ home. They find everything they need living with the Biggs and hope to repay them by making sure everything in the home is in good working order. The Biggs go out of town for the summer and a new family, the Newcombs, stay in their home. The Newcombs are messy and their mess attracts mice! This story is the adventure of the Littles finding a way out of this dilemma. The Littles is part of a series. Here are a couple others in the series we have enjoyed: The Littles and the Big Storm and The Littles and the Trash Tinies.

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Nate the Great by Majorie Weinman Sharmat

Nate the Great is a great choice for a beginning reader because of it’s length: it is only about 60 pages. It includes illustrations on most pages, and does not have an overwhelming amount of words on each page. Nate is a boy detective who "likes to work alone" to track down the culprit and solve the mystery. Nate also loves pancakes which made him immediately relatable to my kids. Nate the Great is part of a series. Here are a couple others we have enjoyed: Nate the Great Goes Undercover and Nate the Great and the Phony Clue.

To continue reading on storyformed.com, please click HERE.

Children Are All So Unique! Don't Be Overwhelmed By Criticism


I have had so many life circumstances that have taught me that fitting into the mold or expectations of others was not God's will for me. As a matter of fact, if I had followed all the advice of friends, I could have easily cultivated rebellion or resentment in the hearts of my children. But God gave them to me! It is for me to love them, discipline and nurture them according to their bent and according to the wisdom and intuition He would give to me through my mother-love.

Each of my children had areas in their lives that didn't fit the box of anyone else. Sarah is a dreamer, introvert, close to her mom--how many times did I hear we were too close to each other. Now she is my co-writer and bestest friend--and yet she lives in another country and frequents  a variety of countries, differing languages and may never live in the United States again. Married to a Dutchman and growing more academically beyond me every year of her studies.  I am so grateful we are so close.

Joel, so abstract and artistic that at times my mom thought he was deaf because he wouldn't reply to me when I talked to him or asked him to do something. He is truly extremely responsive and helpful, submissive and loyal--but I had to speak to him eye to eye, face to face to help him know exactly what I wanted him to do. Now he is a composer, creative, brilliant introvery, audio-book reader who is always dependable and hard working but not at all time oriented--always in the clouds planning or creating.

Nathan didn't sleep through the night until he was 4 (ended up he had a digestion disorder we didn't know about!) He also is an extrovert and has ADHD and other clinical disorders that have plagued him over the years. (He got them from me!) I had so many people who told me that he just needed more discipline: "You are not spanking him enough!" A number of friends were critical of his behavior and bouts over the years. Their critical eyes and words were devastating to me. I was so introspective about my inadequacies with my "mysterious" child, and yet, I know in my heart that harshness and spanking and criticism would create standards that he would never have been able to live up to. I know his heart would have become alienated from me.Now, I literally stand in amazement of him. He is an artist, musician, writer, performer, godly man of great vision. He was never meant to live in the box, God made him to be much more. I can't keep up with his ideas and drive. Just wish I hadn't worried so much about him and my others sweets.

Joy is a fire-cracker, confident, performer, outgoing, always wants to be doing something; she has a strong sense of personal justice, a loving, loyal friend and is ready to fight for her opinion if necessary! But she has a great heart, is kind to me and so thoughtful and truly had about five parents if you count Clay and me, plus her siblings! Her drive has taken her to go for her PHD as a 22 year old. I wish I had always seen her spirit as a great drive that would take her forward in life. 

Each child was a different recipe and required different amounts of heat. Not one of them has fit anyone's mold--and it was just too much pressure to worry about what anyone else thought, anyway. I knew that God wanted me to enjoy life and to be flexible and creative with the particular puzzle He gave me to solve.

How would you describe your own children? Do you want them to fit into your expectations of what they should do or how the should behave or are you looking inside to draw out the person God made them to be.

Speak forward into who they will become, take time to love them as they are, rest in the patience that they will grow and then you will see the miracle of who they were meant to be over years. Take some time to think about the ways they are unique individuals--and gifts to you!




Naomi Johnson Matyas

Jenn Bridwell Khurshid

txgiddyup (Lisa)



tlvschkads (Kim Martinez)


amylizphoto (Amy Cox)


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