Happy (Almost) 4th of July! From My Mountain Top to You!


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We live in a little town, near the Rocky Mountains for a backdrop. It is always breathtakingly beautiful when we get to hike. Monument, the town in our county, has always hosted the most amazing parade of veterans, kids on decorated bikes and trikes and every assortment of groups, clubs, and floats imaginable. It is lots of fun, and thousands upon thousands come from all around. Then in the evening, thousands gather around a tiny lake town, Palmer Lake, and ooh and ahh at the fireworks that mirror in the lake. We all sit on blankets and gather together with our community. This year, of course, the parade has been canceled to the coronavirus regulations, and a virtual photo/video “parade” is being hosted instead … not quite the same!

We will have to find a new way to celebrate, as I am so glad my children have come to visit this summer. When I was a little girl, every year, my mama would slow cook brisket in homemade barbeque/grilling sauce and we would all just about die to taste some. While the beef was soaking in the pungent sauce, she would make twice baked potatoes. (bake potatoes, scoop out the center and then mash the potatoes with milk, salt and pepper, sour cream to taste. The potatoes skins would be stuffed with the mashed mixture and cheese would be sprinkled across the top to melt in the oven (the twice baked part!) and then corn on the cob, watermelon, and other dishes accompanied this feast. I think I will make it again this year.

Summer fruit is one of my favorite things. I will probably repeat a favorite. I call it Three-berry Shortcake. We mash up a small amount of fresh strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, with a little sugar thrown in for good measure, and just a tiny bit of hot water. Then we sprinkle whole blueberries into the mix, and toss them together, so the whole berries make it beautiful but he mashed berries give it a sort of berry sauce. You can use a simple shortcake recipe or grab your favorite angel food or other plain cake from the store, and pile the mixed berries high on top! Add a dollop of your favorite whipped cream, and you have a fresh, oh so tasty, and healthy desert! And it is red, white and blue.

Make your own fun at home this 4th of July! You can always create your own red, white, and blue dessert, or perhaps try a fun craft idea. Here are a few fun and simple ideas for 4th of July slime, ribbon wands, sand art, and more: https://www.personalcreations.com/blog/fourth-of-july-kids-crafts

Today, to end the celebration of 10 Million downloads, and in light of the celebration of food, I am giving away 4 copies of the Lifegiving Table.

Happy 4th!

To celebrate, I am giving away 4 of each of these to you who leave a comment in my places. Happy Weekend!


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

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"POC Children's Literature: Beginning Conversations" & Giveaway


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Every once In a while, God brings an angel gift into your life that encourages you endlessly for years upon end. Ginger Pattee is one of those gifts. She started coming to our mom conferences over 20 years ago and because we kept seeing one another, we became friends. Ginger is a mama to 5 grown kids and home educated them all. Ginger has been a very important leader in our ministry for many years. She has led a Book Study group for many years with women from her area. But, she leads a prison ministry in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for incarcerated mamas using our books as a way to disciple and mentor these precious ones. And she is a contributor on my membership: Life With Sally.

The real impact she has had in my life, though, is that she is a faithful and faith-filled women. She just keeps walking with God through thick and thin, she keeps being encouraging, she keeps loving. She is a model and inspiration to me personally.

The photo above was a few years ago when Ginger was a part of a weekend of leaders meeting at my home for discipleship training. We share a love for great literature, a love for Jesus and a love for mentoring. But even more, we are both grandmothers, have seen our children grow into adulthood, have encountered the ups and downs of them through these young adult years and so we have one another’s friendship to understand and share the joys and burdens of all the stages.

I asked Ginger to share with us on my podcast some of her favorite books that are about people of color. We have in common some of our mutually loved books. I know you will enjoy listening today. It is really two friends letting you into our conversation.

And, again, to celebrate this week of over 10 million downloads, I am giving away 2 of our favorite books. So, leave a comment in my places and you will be entered into the drawing.

Enter to receive a copy of each of these wonderful books. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and What is Given From the Heart (oh how this touches me every time I read it.)

More books you will love. (Not in the giveaway.)


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

We All Need Some Sparkle in Our Day: Earrings & Membership Giveaway & Podcast


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“Queen of Earrings, that is what I think of you!”

Somewhere while running hard over the past years, I decided that I loved to add “sparkle” to my every day life. I embraced color, dimension, taste, adventure as a part of who God made me to be. Since I live off and on in Oxford and have a walking life, I decided to cut my very straight hair short because I was always walking in the rain and it was the only way to keep my hair manageable. And then I adopted a habit of always wearing fun earrings as a little bit of a “girly” touch that gave me much pleasure.

As a celebration of my over 10 Million Downloads on my podcast, At Home with Sally, as you know, I wanted to give away fun gifts to you every day. I thought we might be in need of something fun. My dear friend and assistant, Misty Krasawski, offered to give away one of these pairs of lovely earrings to a follower of my sites. She and her husband, Rob, work in a mission in Africa and they buy these lovely pieces from women there and sell them in the States so that they can help support those artists in Africa. And one person will win one of the pairs of earrings.

I also thought it might be fun to give away 3, 3 month memberships to Life with Sally, my monthly subscription where I have been developing a community and place for inspiration for other like minded women.

(Those of you who join this membership are supporting our ministry, Whole Heart Ministries. Through your monthly subscription, you are helping us create more resources, to pay our assistants and staff and to help us reach our world with the messages of inspiring parents to mentor their children and to build a godly legacy. Below, you can read of some of the subjects of our offerings in this place. We have literally hundreds of articles, posts, videos, audio production and downloadable posters from the last couple of years. I hope you will be inspired. )

I have been so encouraged the past couple of days by the common events in our home and the conversations I have had with the 20 somethings and 30 somethings whose life and faith is on fire. I hope you feel the hope I have found in them. As long as the young adults of this generation are alive with hope, beauty, love and purpose, there is hope for the future. And as long as we build these things into our children, the next generation will also have hope and goodness surrounding them.

Just leave a comment in my social media places, therealsallyclarkson on facebook and sally.clarkson on insta.

So fun to give away these fun gifts because I do feel so honored by your support of my podcasts and I love this community. I just wanted to give back.

I leave you with this quote:

for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.”

― George Eliot, Middlemarch

Happy Midweek.


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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Death by 100 cuts, Giveaway: Celebrating over 10 Million Downloads

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10 Million Downloads on Life With Sally Celebration: A Care Package for you!My Favorite thing Giveaway: Yorkshire Gold Tea, a heart candle, chocolate salted Almonds, a journal. Hope you win!

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,

and I will give you rest.

Matt. 11:28

Sitting slumped on our front porch rocking chairs, I felt as though a thousand pounds was resting on my shoulders. I could glance within and see that inside I was sort of crumbling. Not the momentary, flash in the moment sort of crumble. But the deep-down, shadows beginning to cover my heart and a responsive physical heaviness that matched my heart.

Joy sat next to me, touching my arm as I spoke, pursing her lips, looking at me with tenderness and compassion.

“I feel like it is not just one major blow that is at the core of my sadness. But it is like a hundred small hits have weakened my resolve to be joyful and I am bleeding bit by bit in all the myriad hits. A slow but sure death.

We are all subject to our own human limitations.

Joy then told me of a contemporary song, "Death by 1000 Cuts.” I found out it was an old form of Chinese torture, where prisoners of war would not be killed all at once but by 1000 cuts, little by little bleeding to death. That was how I felt—many different ways I was experiencing the stress and challenges of life all at once, a slow but sure death of my heart.

Maybe some of you feel that way, too. We all determined to be grateful through the pandemic, thankful we had enough food, a bed to sleep in, food to eat. And then we found out that many had lost their jobs, their homes, many sick.

Lately, my message box has been filled with even more sad stories—a woman wrote to me from a parking lot, saying her husband had left her the night before with her 4 little ones and she didn’t know anyone else in he world to contact. Another whose husband announced he didn’t believe in God anymore. Another who said her husband was acting out in anger towards her children. Another whose marriage was over.

But still there is Jesus, and still His love is moving.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,

and I will give you rest.

Matt. 11:28

This swirl of challenging times is a time when all of us need to hold fast to our hope. It is a choice but also a time to cultivate those ways we might be able to stay faithful. Here are a few ways to keep going.

1. We are all human beings with deep needs for love, affection, hope, encouragement, purpose. The exhaustion of having many of our support systems taken a way, the inability to “self soothe” as babies do, the draining days, one after another, have left most everyone I know depleted. You do not have to feel guilty for feeling discouraged or grumpy. This deep depletion is real. Understanding the battle and what is diminishing us gives us a way to move forward. Pray about how to refuel day by day.

2. Don’t carry extra baggage or unnecessary guilt for being imperfect. We are all going to blow it in life, again and again. Perfection was never expected or possible in this broken world. Jesus wanted us to live fully into His peace and unconditional love every moment, every difficulty. “He is mindful that we are but dust.” But He is there as a sure comfort when we seek Him.

3. Taking care of yourself, determine to focus on those things that will give you more strength and health, (sleep, recreation and exercise, beauty—a bouquet of flowers, beautiful music, a happy, (not sad!) novel or movie—something hopeful; a quiet time to breathe in the love and truth of God’s word, all of these are essential to making it long term.

4. Continue seeking community—friends from afar, friends near by. Take time to talk to your loved ones, pray with one another, eat meals together. Keep the love and conversation going. Tell others of your needs. Bear one another’s burdens. When I reach out to someone, often I am surprised at how much I needed to share my heart and didn’t even realize it.

I have had the privilege of hosting several Bible studies with precious young moms in my home. I love each and every one of them, and they are my dear friends.  They give so much and are so very sincere in wanting to do the best they can to love and serve their families. Different stories, different puzzles. Some must work. Some must live alone while their husbands travel. Others are single and alone. Others just wonderfully trying to live with these little ones who want to eat and wear reasonably clean clothes every day and want mama one more time.  Often there are children with difficult issues. And of course, many of these families struggle with financial problems. All of these sweet ones are so very precious and their stories matter for eternity.

Over time I have polled my sweet moms, "How many of you  have a grandmother or someone in your life who helps you take care of your children, who gives you a break, who is personally taking responsibility to help nurture and disciple your children? How many of you have someone who comes along beside you to help and pray for you?

I was shocked--almost no one--only a very small few out of over a hundred that are in my various groups. This should not be. Where have all the mother's, grandmother's gone? Do they not understand that their grandchildren are also their responsibility--to disciple, a stewardship of their own spiritual lives and influence? That God will hold them accountable for helping raise a godly generation by supporting their own children's call as a family?

I spent most of my  years of mothering without support systems, help, prayer or babysitting. Often, I can remember sleeping from exhaustion when I fell into bed, and yet, I would awaken in the wee hours of the morning with brudens of fear, worry, questions about all that I was carrying in my heart and in my life.

I would pour out my heart to God, and one more day, He would take me through. He was my advocate when I had no other. His Spirit kept me going and filled in the cracks that I was not able to. He gave strength and somehow, in spite of all of our own flaws and vulnerable places and immature lives, God saw. He saw me on my knees. He saw my heart that was fearful but wanted to trust. He saw in secret and beyond my expectations, and in spite of my limitations as a mom and wife, He worked.

He still sees and carries me one day at a time. He is my strength, and salvation. But His design was for me and for all of us to have His hands through a community of believers who would help, love, give encouraging words.

I have been up this morning early and prayed for you--you sweet precious ones who feel as though your life is invisible. You are seen. He hears the plees of your weary heart. He longs to sustain you and support you. He who sees in secret will reward openly. I pray you will know peace, rest, beauty in the midst of this very important journey.

I think that all children--the young ones and the adult ones, like me,  need an advocate--someone who cares for them personally and who will help them and look out for them. I believe that a mother is supposed to be that--a cheerleader who whispers from behind, "I am on your team. I love you. I will help you. You will make it. I am proud of you."

I am sorry for all of you who are not blessed to have an actual mother who understands that important role in your life.  I understand your journey as it was often my own.

But I do want you to know, you have an advocate in Him. His will today is for you to find His joy and blessing and to enjoy life. He is doing an invisible work that is beyond what you could accomplish yourself. He is faithful. He will reward every decision of faith that you make in the darkness when no one else sees, He sees. It is your integrity, your spiritual service of worship, to believe even in the invisible, weary moments of your life. He is with you and has a heart for all children--even you.  He is the one who cast the flowers upon the field for his child to enjoy.. He is the one who is willing make all things in your life beautiful in His time.

And I am praying you will know His gentle, generous love for you today. Have a lovely weekend.Wishing I could give each of you a bouquet of flowers!

to all of you sweet, wonderful, sacrificial mamas who give so much to your children. 

For all of you who give over and over again, and overcome the weariness.

To the ones who may not feel honored today, but will have rewards in heaven.

For you who are the servant leaders that Jesus understands.

Your lives are not invisible--but so very precious to the one who chose you to be the mother of those sweet ones in your home. I wish you rest, peace and love today! (and a maid and someone to wash your dishes!) You are my heroes!

May your hearts be blessed and filled with an understanding that your love is the best kind of love. May you have a long nap, and a peaceful heart, and an inner sense that you are so very precious.

Today, I thought you might enjoy a care package for yourself. So if you want to enter to win, do the same as yesterday—leave a comment on fb or instagram and you will be entered to win a care package to keep you going.

Sending all of my love,


Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Over 10 Million Downloads on Life With Sally: Celebrating You & Giveaway


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A few short years ago, my friend said, “You should do a podcast and just share what is on your heart!”

“Really,” I asked. “Do you think anyone would be interested?”

Now, over 10 Million downloads later, and over 400 podcasts, I have been amazed at how this community has grown like wildfire. This wonderful journey of seeing an amazing community develop over shared ideas and ideals has exploded.

I love you, my precious community. It is because of you that my podcast has reached so many kindred spirits who live all over the world.

This week, I celebrate you!

You are passionate about life, idealistic, spiritually driven, grace and love oriented, book lovers, tea and coffee aficionados, girl friends forever, earnest in all your ways, lots of fun, risk-takers, servant leaders, and so much more. I love and pray for each one of you every week as I approach this place of community.

Over 1000 of you have joined my monthly membership as an even deeper way to find these kinds of messages to provide ideas, books to read, traditions to implement and so much more. And so many of you have help me and my team to spread messages that are on my own heart even further.

This week, I want to celebrate by giving some fun gifts away as a token of my gratefulness to the Lord and to you for helping me develop this community in the past couple of years. I have been so encouraged and touched by your notes, messages, encouragement and generosity.

I will be doing different giveaways every day for 5 days!

To celebrate today, I want to give away 2 of each of the books below. Just leave a comment on my instagram (sally.clarkson) or my Facebook fan page: (therealsallyclarkson) or leave a comment on my blog post. It would be great if you would tag a friend so they can have an opportunity to win, too. That’s all there is to it!

Mom Heart Moments: In this book, I share my heart and wisdom for mothers―and offer hope for each day. Already in its 3rd printing after six months, women all over the world are writing me to tell me how much they are encouraged by this book every day.

A mother living well in her God-ordained role is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation. Her impact is irreplaceable and necessary to the spiritual formation of children who will be the adults of the next generation. Fun, comfort, humor, graciousness, spiritual passion, compassion for the lost, hospitality, chores, meals, training, life-giving words, hours and hours of listening and playing and praying and reading―all are parts of the mosaic of soul development.

Spend the year with Mom Heart Moments, the first devotional by beloved author Sally Clarkson, and discover how as a mother you can draw closer to the heart of God. In a world constantly vying for our attention, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos. Each day of this beautiful devotional offers encouragement and direction to become the mother God has called you to be.

Girls’ Club: Discover the gift of friendship!

In a time when many women feel lonely and isolated, Girls’ Club calls us to embrace the delight and comfort that can be found in life-giving friendships with women― and to cultivate relationships that not only offer emotional affirmation and acceptance, but also inspire, educate, and stretch us to live out our God-given potential.

Told through stories and encouragement based on the authors’ experiences―Sally, a seasoned mother and well beloved author; her daughter Sarah, an Oxford scholar and new mother; and her youngest daughter Joy, a professional young woman pursuing her doctorate―Girls’ Club will speak to the importance of cultivating deep and lasting friendship at every stage in life. Join Sally, Sarah, and Joy as they explore the power, difficulties, potential, beauty, and satisfaction of friendships that help us live purposeful, Godly lives and that satisfy our longing for meaningful and intimate companionship.

Today on my podcast, I share some of the foundational values shared in these books. Leave a comment below, on Facebook or Instagram and you will be entered to win one of four books. (2 of each will be given away.)

Happy Week!


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  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Walk with the Wise ... Choose Well Who Influences Your Decisions


"He who walks with the wise will be wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."

Prov. 13:20

"To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to the violence of our times." — Thomas Merton

Each morning, I sit in my squishy, comfy couch and breathe in peace, light and beauty. Candlelight throws gentle shadows on the room, fairy lights twinkling like stars, music wafting softly as I drink my tea. This is the primary time in which, daily, I have searched for and found the riches of wisdom to store in my mind and soul.

For years, Clay and I sought to feed the minds, hearts and souls of our children on all that was wise, excellent, thoughtful, Biblical, eternal. As I have often said, we filled the treasure chest of their souls with the best, so that when they needed to draw from their souls the rest of their life, they would have treasure there--wisdom, depth, knowledge.

This was intentional--to establish the foundations of our children on wisdom. This worthy goal set our own minds to find wisdom for ourselves, in order to share it with others. The very owning of our stewardship of our children's minds sharpened our own minds. It was a grid from which we lived life--to share, teach, instruct, read, think, cultivate and nurture wisdom.

One night years ago as I was pondering aloud to my family about how to make life more simple, how to set boundaries, how to continually restore and refresh so that I can have something in my own soul from which others may draw, my son shared the quote above that he has been pondering from his own reading:

This quote, worth repeating, helped me to ponder how to set boundaries, how to slow down, how to live within the limitations of my life.

"To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to the violence of our times." — Thomas Merton

Not only have I been taking this quotation to heart, and trying to figure out just what it means in my own life, but I have also seen how much my children are a channel of wisdom for me, now. They gained the habit of thinking, reading, pondering, and gathering wisdom in contrast to the voices of the world which surround them--and now they have become counselors to me. Their minds feed my mind now. Their deep thoughts guide me.

Sowing wisdom and seeking to infuse the very air we breathed with wisdom for so many years not only fed my soul, but educated those who would eventually become my own counselors!

I find myself in a similar season of questioning even now. How have I allowed myself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to want to help everyone in everything, to commit to too many projects? In other words, how have I succumbed to my times--the violence of overcommitment?

I still seek the wisdom of counselors who can help guide my life, and now, it ends up, they share my last name!

Bringing Beauty into the Ugly, & podcast


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 Legacy is something that a person leaves behind to be remembered by. Legacies are pathways that guide people in decisions with what to do or what not to do. The mark one leaves.

One of the legacies I will leave to my family is Community by Rocking Chair. At any hour of a summer’s day, you will find one or many swaying, rocking, sipping, eating, reading, but gathering together for friendship belonging to all who rock. I planned it this way. When you plan a place in your home where people can gather round one another, there will be relationship. And so, we have a “rocking” community developed over many years.

What legacies are. you leaving? How are you living rhythms of life that bring a legacy of love, beauty, community, hope, peace of mind?

In the beginning, God created

The past months have been filled with death, despair, difficulty, disharmony—the ugly parts of life in a fallen world— and it takes a toll on our spirit. And in the midst of it, our children are surrounded by so much darkness—and so are we. We are human beings with limitations and real bodies that need health mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. In a time of crisis, we are subject to depletion and unhealth.

Most of the people I know, including our family, live pretty mundane, simple lives. We desire to help, to heal, to love and encourage, yet our lives are. mostly filled up with meals, dishes, bills, responsibilities and so we can feel helpless or sometimes as though our lives have no meaning or ability to influence or effect what is going on in the greater world.

Yet, when we seek to redeem the normal, daily, mundane by imagining how we might bring grace, hospitality, love, light, beauty, we can actually help cover the darkness and impact of despair with beauty that creates and cultivates new life.

As women, one of the defining qualities intrinsic in being made in God's image, is the divine ability to create, to cultivate, to subdue, and to take all of the raw materials of our lives and to craft them into something beautiful.

When God laid the foundations of the universe, the splendor and magnificence of vibrant color, eye captivating beauty, resilient, melodious sounds,  the  spontaneous response of the shimmering, sparkling morning stars was to celebrate with heavenly choruses, singing His praises and worth, while the sons of God shouted and celebrated wildly with joy. (Job 38:6-8) What on overwhelming display of vibrant, heart filling celebration of His glory it must have been.

So, when we want to display just a small bit of the divine through the beauty of our home, it must encompass all of the moments of life, because we have ruled over our domains in such a way to have order, rhythms, traditions, anchors in our schedule that provide for this divine reflection through the ways we have ruled over and subdued in our own domain.

And one of the most profound things we can do is to look around us, at our neighbors, the lonely widow, the single mom, the professional adult who lives alone, the new family, those in our church or school or community or sports team that might feel “rejected” or alone, and we bring them into the beauty we have created.

We build rhythms of bringing others into our realm of beauty and life. We start a book club, a potluck dinner, a tea time gathering group, whatever, and we become those who build relationships right in the places where people want to find life, in our home and in our love.

I love fall the best, I think. Chill air begins to fill the nights so that we must close our windows and snuggle under covers. Warm, simmering, pungent soups bubble on the stove while scents of herb crusted bread waft from the oven. Fireplaces and candles dance with flames, music notes float into our subconscious to please and soothe the rough places of our souls.

I also love early summer in Colorado. Literally thousands of evenings, we have sat on the front porch talking, sipping, eating, making friends, enjoying the sparkle of the aspens fluttering or the companionship that reminded us we were not alone.

The Spirit of home,  stands at the doorways to compel those outside to enter into a place of life, comfort, rest, beauty.

But, you say, "My life is already so busy, I don't have time to add one more ideal."

The dilemma, then, is how to weave beauty, color, celebration into an already busy life.

And perhaps putting aside a “busy” activity and entering into the nostalgia of rhythms of life will remind us that we have purpose, love, legacy of Fatih to uphold and to remember in the practiced moments of our days. We invite others into this space and they find the very life, comfort and beauty of the really of the living Christ, through a chilled glass of lemonade or a strong cup of coffee. If we give even a cup, we have given it to Him.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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  • Leave an iTunes Review These are so important as they help our podcast reach more women with messages of encouragement.

  • Follow on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

  • Share with others. My prayer is that this podcast brings encouragement to women and families, and I would be honored for you to tell others about it.

  • Join my friends and me in membership at Life with Sally, a place for me to share more teaching from the Bible and messages on education, motherhood, discipleship, and more!

Nurturing Faith Through Feasting, One Meal at a Time


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My adult kids kept coming in to the kitchen tonight saying, “I am so hungry. Please can we eat soon.” They each snuck spoonfuls out of my French casserole. Herbed brown rice seasoned with my secrets, slowly baked chicken breast awash with olive oil, wine, herbs d’province and a little extra thyme and a dollop of sour cream was nested between green beans with sea-salt and oil with avocados adorning the rice. Candlelight and music set the stage for a theological conversation that brought deep joy to my mama heart.

We have been meeting this way for thousands and thousands of meals, delighting in one another. Hearing the love of Christ defended this evening between each bite, talking of God’s manifest love in the midst of a dark world, peaking into the souls of each one as they shared their heartfelt convictions made a very tiring and exhausting day worthwhile.

There is a point when at times one can say, “They were listening. It has mattered. They have been transformed by the life-giving messages that they now own.”

Of course, such a work of life takes a very long time and lots of love and patience. But seeing the Holy Spirit light a fire in each one is worth all the work it has cost us.

Off to be with my precious’s because I know this time will pass. But just wanted to share my evening with you. And sending lots of love. Sally

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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Behind the Darkness & Fear, Light is Rising & Podcast


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Many years ago, during a particularly challenging year, I was in need of solace and a personal touch in my life to help me see that God was still there. Living far from home in communist Poland, life sometimes felt desperate. Our work was thwarted from time to time, the language was challenging. Russian tanks had come into our midst, there was revolution and thousands of people gathering to fight against the repression that had been in tact from the Russian rule for too many years. News media was reporting devastating insinuations of danger and havoc that lay ahead.

One of our friends had asked my roommate and me if we wanted to have a spin on the lake in his sail boat. I had never been on a sail boat, but it sounded like a gift for getting away. Steam arose on the lake from the early morning chill of a freezing night. Our teeth chattered as we walked through the “close by” woods toward the place where the boat was moored. We gingerly climbed into the boat, hoping to find our footing as it gently swayed back and forth.

The sail was hoisted, a gentle breeze began to fill the sails to fullness. Suddenly, the boat shot forth in an effortless glide. At that moment, the sun peaked through the early morning darkness and sparkled on the water. It felt a little bit like we had slipped into heaven.

If you are like all of us at our house, you have had such deep concern for all that is happening in our country and world. So many issues, so many stresses, illness, economy issues, an abnormal life that separates us from loved ones and a bigger humane concern that has riveted all of us.

Fear is a natural response. What is happening? What will happen? Darkness hovers over so much of our normal life. People are filled with rage and many with despair.

As I have been praying lately, God has begun to shine a light into my heart. We often only see what is on the news and on the internet. Yet, our God is above all circumstances in the world, and his light is shining beyond what the news is reporting. I was reminded of so many verses as I was praying and I realized that even as the sun arose unexpectedly but gave such light to our early morning jaunt, so Christ, our light, is working behind the curtain in so many places, and his faithfulness and goodness and redemption will be evident to us when we see the whole story.

Here are some verses that have encouraged me.

Psalm 46:1–3

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.”

Even in the darkest of times when the world seems to be coming apart, God is sovereign over all.

Psalm 27:1

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

God is at work, He is strong, fighting for us, we are to keep our eyes on Him.

Matthew 8:25–27

“And they went and woke him, saying, ‘Save us, Lord; we are perishing.’ And he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?’ Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, ‘What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?’”

Even when we are tempted to fear, we can cry out to our God and He will answer and calm the storms of our lives. Yet, we must rest in the fact that He is sovereign over all powers and is working beyond what we can see during this time.

Luke 14:27

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

Psalm 91:4–5

“.He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day.”

“Some men trust in chariots, we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

May we all trust in Him and watch His light rising in our lives and praise Him for His beauty in the midst of our daily lives.


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Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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Wait, wait, wait! He is Faithful, You'll See!


"Be strong, let your heart take courage, yes, wait on the Lord."

~Psalm 27: 14

Daily duties cry out so many mornings, as I slip down the stairs still sleepy and in need of my morning cuppa.  Still after all of these years, last night’s late night dishes accost me--coffee cups, plates with dried-on snacks, all sorts of evidence that we have been relaxing, eating, laughing, and messing things up--and now the mess must be dealt with yet again.

Then there are the issues of life still there to greet me--the worries, money issues, problems with children, pressures on family and marriage--all still there, piled on when Monday morning comes and has a new week of challenges to greet me. Seems in the midst of all the chores that daily need to be done, there are always those bigger ones also hovering over us.

When my children were little, there were so many issues to worry about--discipline, training, health, education, exhaustion, loneliness...

Waiting, waiting,working, fretting, wondering--what is going to be the end to all of this, of all these people in my home with various issues, strengths, weaknesses, hopes, dreams and legacies of difficulty and more work?

Waiting on the Lord for answers and for life to change and for help to come has been my most common challenge throughout life--waiting to get married, waiting to get pregnant, waiting to have the baby, waiting for them to sleep through the night, waiting for them to be out of diapers, waiting for them to become more mature and responsible, waiting for them to read, waiting for life to someday be easier, more manageable, waitng for me to be mature some day...

How do we manage to exist through all of the mundane, the fretting, the fears— with grace?

Learning to wait is a grace for a woman who fears God. Waiting with a gentle spirit is a miracle--a beauty, an acquired habit that comes with practice and experience. Choosing to take today in its stride--choosing to see the glory of the moment in the midst of frantic children, choosing to look for beauty and the fingerprints of God in the midst of the messes requires a heart decision--Psalm 27 says, "Let your heart take courage”--let it--make it, choose to let your heart fill up its boots to the power of God's abiding grace.  Choosing to believe that my prayers have not hit the roof of my home and gone no further, but that God indeed is present.

I love Psalm 103--He is mindful that I am but dust. He knows my limitations. He knows my flawed personality. Yet, He is a Father who has compassion on His children--on me. He does not require my perfection, He requires my heart, my eyes turned toward Him. He is the grace that will make this day possible, this moment livable.

"For evil doers will be cut off, but those who wait on the Lord will inherit the land." Psalm 37: 9

"Those who wait on the Lord will gain new strength, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40: 31

One of the most important ways my children learn faith is to watch me wait, in grace, through all the trials of my life--but to wait--putting a flower in the vase, lighting a candle, surrounding our home with music, life, hope that says, "God will show up. He is with us. He hears us and will answer, and I am going to prepare the day by celebrating life looking to the time we will see and know His presence and faithfulness.

And yet, when I look back, I am amazed at how much I see how faithfully He has worked--to see the miracle of children grown, fine, loving, passionate about ideals--how did it all happen? To see the His hand that seemingly, seamlessly sowed my years together into a grace of a beautiful life of blessing, love and life--how did it all come about? One day at a time as He faithfully, lovingly brought all of my child-heart love and faith into a work of eternity.

Waiting with hope, in courage, patience, in love, and humbly is the grace of the life of a godly woman that ends in seeing the miraculous hand of God, and she bows before Him, as the child with the basket of fish, and says, "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your miracle."