Love Will Shape Our Children Into Beautiful Souls

Our lives as mothers are often filled with hurry driven by chores, lists, and a multitude of responsibilities all clamoring “Do it now!” in our spirits. There are so many ideals we feel we absolutely must live up to: clean houses, ordered lives, and children who accurately know math and Scripture and play their instruments perfectly. In the face of so much urgent need, our “Martha” minds often overpower our “Mary” hearts as we contemplate how to get it all done.

Yet these insistent demands and ideals, the constant busyness and bustle, are not what will actually reach the hearts of our children and shape them into beautiful souls. Our focus as mothers should not just be on making our children behave, but on helping them become.

Christ did not create disciples who, because of their love for Him, were willing to die for Him simply because He gave them an impersonal list of moral rules and commandments for life. What He gave them was the gift of His own very present life. They experienced His love intimately throughout the moments of their days.

He laid down His life, not just in death, but also daily with the souls He was shaping. This is what mothers do as well, laying down our lives for our children in order to create disciples for Christ with deep, rich souls. Paul told us to love “just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma” (Ephesians 5:2)

When children feel loved and cherished by the parents who brought them into the world, they have enduring stability and a security that provides them with groundwork for understanding the God of the universe who so loves us.

Love is the most important foundation for learning to believe in God. It is the foundation stone of true friendship, marriage, and parenting. As our children are honored with our time, words, caresses, and nurture, life is deposited in their souls. They learn love not only as a personal value, but even more as a tangible experience.

To read more about this, get your copy of Your Mom Walk With God.

Believing & Living in the Goodness of God

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Every once in a while, I spontaneously take a photo of myself, whatever I am doing, to send to my grandchildren. You see, they are always on my mind, in my thoughts. I want them to know that I love them, every day, all the time. I pray for them. I plan for times of fun when we can be together. I pray that their hearts would know and understand the goodness and love of God because they have seen it in me and in their parents and in those around them.

They are storing up a clear picture of God through those of us who are acting out His tangible love and grace in day to day realities in their lives. And hopefully when they are teens and more aware of a fallen, chaotic world, they will remember, “But I have seen, learned, and felt the goodness and love of God throughout my life, and I believe there is light, hope, beauty to be found in this troublesome world.”

Today on my Tea Time Tuesday podcast, I have book recommendations, a recipe, an encounter with police, my experience with pickle ball, and all sorts of ponderings about life and living.

We will talk about what it looks like for us to tangibly live out over a lifetime, a life of devotion to Christ. Looking at those who chose not to believe in the goodness and truth of God (Adam and Eve, the Israelites, the spies who became as grasshoppers!—I do not want my legacy to be a grasshopper! :)). In others, we find warning to resist the temptation of complaining, turning our hearts away from God, to our own downfall. Believing when we cannot see, practicing faithfulness when no one else sees is a long tradition of faithful saints throughout history.

Here is a Middleburg prayer that expresses some of my heart:

Almighty God and most merciful Father… we fall down before your majesty, asking you,f rom the bottom of our hearts, that this seed of your Word, now sown among us, may take such deep root, that neither the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither, nor the thorny cares of life choke it.

More on At Home With Sally. Happy Tuesday to you all.

Home Is To Be A Refuge

Often we open the doors of our home — usually via television or the internet — to ideas and images that can damage our faith, abuse our hearts and minds, sear our psyches, and tear apart our peace. But only the foolish would invite just anyone to enter the door of their home.

Home should be a place where, behind its doors, one should expect to find protection and safety from all the harms of life, including voices that do not speak truth or wisdom.

From The Lifegiving Home.

Living As Mothers With Undivided Hearts

As a woman who has enjoyed a career of teaching, speaking, counseling, and writing, I have had to make many difficult decisions to cut my career opportunities in order to focus on my family priorities.

However, I have come to realize that embracing God's call to the duties of motherhood doesn't diminish my abilities to use my gifts, strength, and training, but fulfills a part of God's design.

If we want to experience the blessing of God and have a sense of wholeness to our lives: we must seek to understand his original design as clearly as possible. We will then have a map by which to travel toward God's destination.

But we need to do more than understand. We also need to commit to living as mothers with undivided hearts—dedicating ourselves fully to the task of building a home and nurturing our children.

As I see my own children now as adults, I am so glad that the Lord gave me the opportunity to understand this commitment in an early part of their lives. The cost has been great, but the sacrifice was well worth it. I can honestly say that my children are my best friends. No, they're not perfect—and neither am I—but we're all growing and blossoming in all areas of life. I see now that the fruit of God's design tastes sweet to my soul. And with that fruit, there are no regrets.

Read more about this in The Mission of Motherhood.

Tea Time Tuesday: Courage to Stay Faithful

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

I would have despaired unless I had believed

that I would see the goodness of the LORD

In the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord!

Be strong, and let your heart take courage;

Yes, wait for the LORD.

-Psalm 27: 13-14

Tea Time Tuesday

Many years ago I was visiting the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, NC for a small vacation with Sarah. I loved hearing the stories of the people (artists, musicians, leaders) who had walked the halls of this historical home. When we came upon the “men’s smoking room,” I happened upon the most intriguing print of a lion!

I immediately knew it was Aslan! Serendipitously, when I ended my tour, I walked through a shop where a replica of Aslan was on a prominent wall at just 50 percent off of the previous price. I purchased Aslan, struggled to get him home. But since that time, Aslan has ruled over our home, reminding us of the abiding presence of God, His constant companionship in our home. We need reminders that He is always faithful and good.

Most of us will go through times of doubt and darkness in our walk with God, seeking to live a faithful story in a chaotic world. We are often ashamed of admitting our doubts, negative feelings when it is difficult to see God’s goodness amidst the challenges. Having a friend who can companion us through dark corridors of doubt, who will listen and pray for us, is so important.

David penned his own version of these doubts. “I would have despaired…” Moses, Elijah, Jesus, and others all expressed such darkness. We are not alone.

Biblical truths have held me and helped me through my own dark clouds, anchoring my thoughts and heart to know and understand the never changing attributes of God and his goodness. These truths, stored up in our minds and our children, will speak to us and carry us through. Over the next months I will be teaching a new series about God’s attributes, in light of the foundational 24 family ways that our own family took to heart. My hope is that as we study and memorize some passages, we will be refreshed in building sure truths that will keep us until we see Him face to face.

Listen to my podcast today to hear about books, music, God's goodness, food, more!

Greater Love Has No Mama Than To Lay Down Her Life

My living room has been my sacred sanctuary for many years. It is where I read, study my Bible, write in my journal, sip my tea in candlelight with music.. And it looks out to my small forest. Do you have such a place?

Friends, join me for the book club for Mission of Motherhood on in my link. Be refreshed with kindred spirits.


Most of our life is invisible--this noble cause we embrace is often fraught with challenges, exhaustion, relentless repetition, spiritual challenge— yet this is the very place of our worship where faith is being forged, character is being modeled, love is going deep into the heart of your children. This is why I champion the cause of motherhood. What you are doing matters so much. Most of all, Jesus, who sacrificed his time, emotions, body, freedom, sees you! Is so very pleased, cheers you on from the heavenly realm. We are a picture of God's sacrificial love to the brains, souls, and hearts of those He entrusts into our hands.

Yet I was unprepared. No one said, "Yea, Sally, you chose to be patient with one more ear infection & sleepless night! Congratulations, you are the queen of mentally challenged children with OCD, asthma, learning issues. Of course, all four are sinful, fuss, make messes, want to eat & wear relatively clean clothes. Congratulations, you are so patient with those hormonal teenagers, you just waited for a toddler to get over his tantrum, you handled it patiently--you a hero!"

One of the strengths & profound work of a woman, is to bring civility & order out of chaos, to bring beauty, intelligence, excellence in subduing her kingdom of home into a life-giving haven.

My home & all the little choices of each day became a sanctuary of worship, my sacrifice of praise. Bringing light into the dark corners of life, singing, dancing/ celebrating God's reality into the mundane world of dishes, the late nights of Winnie the Pooh cartoons and ear infections. hot steamy showers, sweat, hollow exhaustion where my children felt the comfort and grace of His touch through me.

It is the glory of a woman to choose to love & embrace her precious child as a gift, a work straight from the heart of God.

Walk In Peace Today

Darcy dog spends her days following me around the house, asking me for pets, and sleeping on the stairs next to where I write. She doesn't worry about being fed or feel anxious that something terrible might happen.

She's entirely content to live her life in the peace that she will receive both love and food as long as she is near me. Her satisfaction and trust is a tiny picture of how I hope to be with God — not crushed under worry or living in anxiety from the stresses of life, but instead taking comfort and joy in His presence, knowing I am loved and cared for by an attentive and near Father.

Walk with God today. Find peace in the fact that He is with you, loves you, and will always care for you.

Being The Overseer Of Your Domain

Physical surroundings can make a big difference. In the end, though, what our children and husbands need most from us is not a perfect home or perfect training or a perfectly spiritual role model or a wife without faults — but a mother and wife who is committed to doing whatever it takes to love them and make a home for them.

They need to know that they are cherished by someone who is a champion for their cause, a cheerleader for their lives — someone they can always count on in the light and dark times of life. Accepting the responsibility of being the overseer of our domain with all of the heart and energy and faith we can muster is what nurtures our families best and provides our children with the sense of security and stability they need.

Attitude is ultimately what makes a house a peaceful haven. And because we can only accomplish this by leaning on the Lord, it is our relationship with Him that ultimately will provide a nurturing environment for the people we love.

Read more about this in The Mission of Motherhood.

Tea Time Tuesday: Cultivate Your Own Joy

Click here to play today’s new podcast episode.

Hi, my friends. How I wish you could join me today with a warm cuppa by my fireplace and we could chat, tell our stories and be friends. So grab something warm and join me today for Teatime Tuesday.

Today, winds of up to 70 miles an hour blew through my mountain town while snow was blowing every which way. Did I mention that the temperature was below 10 degrees Fahrenheit when I last looked? For some reason, snow used to be beautiful, adventurous, lovely. In the past years, I am less likely to want to drive on the icy highways and risk getting cold by walking outside. So, I wrote a list of 10 things that cheer me and bring me pleasure and joy for the days I am inside with howling wind as my companion.

10 things that bring me small pleasure:

1. Wearing fun earrings every day. I have so many. They are not expensive but all have a memory where I bought them.

2. Wearing lipstick or lip gloss is a Clarkson girl thing

3. A cuppa Yorkshire Gold Tea, of course (or a flat white) in a real china or porcelain cup

4. Lighting several candles

5. Listening to my favorite playlists and beautiful music

6. Breakfast! I love a good warm breakfast

7. Sitting alone and reading my Bible, writing in my journal

8. Walking, walking, walking

9. Reading a Great, warm, heart-felt book

10. Being with my people alone, chatting about everything.

What about you?

Today on my podcast, I am starting a new series—training in truth, virtue, discipling your children. Discipling yourself. What does maturity look like?

“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until the full day.” - Proverbs 4:18

Parenting is a much bigger part of the Christian life than most care to admit. Under your care are the eternal beings whose courses for eternity will be set, in large measure by what you do. Who and what they become will be shaped by how you relate to them, disciple them, instruct them, love them, counsel them.

For the rest of the quote, listen to At Home With Sally podcast.

Answering The Call To Discipleship

I have been blessed by excellent women sprinkled along my life path who have invested deeply in my emotional and spiritual health. I never could have written books, had a national and local ministry, and finished the course as an intentional mother in my home without the help, support, comfort, and strength I received from other women. Each of them helped me to flourish when otherwise I would have floundered.

I began to grow from and appreciate this kind of intentional mentoring as a young woman, and even more so as I started a family. Discipling became a poignant focus of relationship I wanted to pass on to all my children.

My pursuit as a mother and discipler was to become the most mature and wise woman I could be in my own life, and then, from that place, be an excellent woman reflecting my love for God.

I’ll admit that my imperfection and immaturity were evident along the journey, yet I gave all my heart and faith and effort to the hands of Jesus and kept going one day after another toward my goals.

This, dear Mom, is what you can do too. You don’t need a teaching degree. You don’t need a master of divinity. You don’t need a ribbon of honor for oratory achievements. When we choose to answer the call to discipleship by setting in motion traditions formed by faith and values in action, a legacy of love that begins with Jesus is strengthened in our homes.

Read more about this in Teatime Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters.