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Tea Time Tuesday
"I have loved you with an everlasting love," says God. The Christmas story is all about love. By faith, we must accept this love as a gift.
Many women over years have told me their deep, dark secrets.
"You would not want to be my friend if you knew what I was really like.”
“I had an abortion.”
“I am divorced.”
“I yell at my children.”
“I was a prodigal.” “
I am failing my children!”
“My marriage is failing.”
These are many of the secrets women confessed in private over years.
Most of us carry baggage of some kind. But, if we understood the amazing, redeeming, generous meaning of salvation, God's commitment to love us, we would be different women.
If you are surrounded by Christians who point their fingers at you in condemnation, then they need to deal with Jesus. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone," when the Pharisees condemned the woman caught in adultery.
Jesus says, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature."
Any one. No matter how difficult, broken your family, or what your failures or sin. No matter your past, you are beloved, washed completely new, as if you had never sinned, fallen, been hurt before.
We all have a new story, a new beginning. Psalm 103 tells us, God is Father of compassion. He sympathizes with your pain, sorrow. Baby Jesus came to sacrifice His life. You are forgiven.
Yet, until we get rid of baggage of phantom voices that haunt us with our past or feelings of failure, we cannot move forward into the story God wants us to live, the ways He wants to bless our lives.
Without identifying the negative voices bombarding us, we’re simply unable to own our lives. It’s essential to our growth that we pinpoint where these voices come from. Maybe the negativity has come from friends, family, or people we’ve met along the way or from past mistakes, failures, or abuse. Sometimes it’s the voice of culture, media, even our Christian communities.
But God says nothing can separate us from His love.
Nothing we have done, will do, think will diminish His love for us. If we truly believed this, we would behave differently every day. Let us worship Him this advent with the gift of grateful hearts. You are loved!
More on my new podcast.