The Gift of a Happy Mama & Surprise Podcast


“Mama, I feel so much better in life when I know you are happy. You are sort of the barometer for how all of us are doing. When you are ok, I feel like the world has the possibility of having hope.”

The grid through which you see life will determine how you behave, and here’s an important truth: Children want a happy mama. Having a mama with a smile in her heart makes children feel filled up in their own little hearts, because mamas  are the compass that lead children to joy in life.

I do not intend to put burdens on mothers to cause them to feel as though they have to perform to be happy even when life is hard. But when we learn to choose to celebrate life, to cultivate contentment, we can give our children, husband and friends a sense of hope in their own lives.

Happiness is a choice that comes from a heart desiring to please God. It is an attitude of the will which says, "This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

How to develop this attitude little by little is another thing all together. The more you practice and choose these heart expressions of happiness, the more happy your home will become!

Cultivating Happiness In Your Home

Before you even step out of bed, put your eyes on Jesus and talk to Him.

"Jesus, this is your day. I can only have enough strength for all that I carry if You carry it for me, and if You give Your Spirit's life into the moment of my days. Please help me to worship You today by choosing to be thankful for the gifts of my children. This is Your day, Lord and I want it to be a day when You are present every moment. I love You, Jesus, and am thankful for You being with me."

When you first see your children or husband after you’ve been apart, greet them with a blessing. Kiss your husband in front of your children---this makes them feel happy and secure. Choose to take time to tell him goodbye and kiss him before he goes to work.

"I am the most blessed mama in the world to have you as my little boy."

"Good morning sunshine. I am happy to see you this morning. Did you have any dreams?'

"Mama needs a kiss from you today because you are so very special to me."

"I am so happy to be your mama! God must have loved me to give me you."

When a child grows up with a blessing most every morning when he awakens, he feels wanted and affirmed deep inside.

Put on music at different points all day…

-when you do the dishes or chores with your children

-at the dinner table (instrumental so everyone can talk.)

-when you are in the car, when you have a sick child, when you are alive— in other words, all the time!

Certain music, scientists have said, can lower blood pressure, soothe the nerves, give people a sense of contentment, and help some children do better at math.

Place fun things in your day that you will enjoy, as well as your family. I instituted afternoon tea times because I wanted a civilized moment and it made me happy— a candle, a cuppa, and a small treat like a piece of dark chocolate.

I love to walk, sing, dance, have fun, and live with beauty and harmony, so I place things every day in my life that give me happiness or a sense of fun.

The more you cultivate happiness for yourself, the more happy you will be--and the happier your children will be! Practice being thankful every day--take time to look at the antics, and into the eyes  of your children and thank God for them.

May your days be happy and bright!