Mothers Are The Formers Of Eternal Souls

Over and over in Scripture, we are reminded that these children of ours are made in the image of God, and their souls will last for eternity. As a mother, you are the first shaper of a soul that will last forever. Mothers were designed by God to be the champions for their children’s souls. God did not entrust children to the church, to neighbors, to groups, or to schools, but to parents.

Our love, our will to give life and celebration, to portray grace and goodness—these will be the factors that shape our children into adults who will love God and His kingdom, and who will change the world.

May God encourage you to be a finisher of your mom walk, a faithful soul in your long journey of motherhood with Him. May your heart be strong in love and faith toward your children, always seeking to see God’s hand and work in their lives. May your heart be strengthened to endure, in marriage and parenting, through storms and troubles. May you determine to walk your path of motherhood, the one God has placed you on, with His eternal purpose, assurance, trust, and heart.

Read more about this in Your Mom Walk With God.