Loving Words: The Pathway to Your Children's Hearts

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What could be better than a teatime with my sweet daughter, Joy, that she planned as a surprise to treat me. Talking together is our favorite hobby together. Pathways, loving words were a theme we shared. Paths, made of infinite steps, determine our destination.

"You remind me of superman! Brave, strong always wanting to help others."

"You are exactly the child I would have picked if I had a choice of all the children in the world."

"Yes, I think you will be a wonderful writer. You are a crafter of ideas."

"I love spending time with you. You delight my heart."

Words have so much power in our lives.

Not long ago, one of my sweet children surprised me with an email that brought thankful tears to my eyes:

"Dear Mama,

"God is doing amazing things in my life, opening doors I never imagined possible. But when I was thinking about my dreams coming true, I thought of you. Throughout the years, you told me you believed in my impossible dreams. You listened, affirmed, encouraged, supported. I don't know if I would be where I am today, if you had not constantly invested in my life through your words of love. Thank you, mama, for being my forever cheerleader."

I believed that words invested forward into what my children could become to shape their sense of self. I prayed God would give me eyes to see hidden gifts, the potential of what lay within their hearts, to invest.

Words give hope, communicate ideas, inspire movements to fight for freedom, sharpen our minds to know how to think well, inspire heroism, give leadership to those longing for direction. These words are alive and shape life.

Jesus was the Word, the message sent from God’s heart of love. Calling him that shows such the significance of words to God.

God is a message maker, a lover who wants us to know His words of love. He is a Father who wants to give us words of wisdom so that we should understand how to live life well; the great teacher who would fill our minds with truth that we could live free from the world’s false messages through our whole lives. God is a communicator, longs for our fellowship.

Your children long for your sweet words today. What can you tell your children that will fill their souls today?