A wonderful, amazing--God could only do it story!

Well, I must say that the minute I sent my children an sos email and also one to all of you, things began to change. I can't go into the whole story now, (but will when I get home from New York--flying in late Monday night!) but Clay and I finally moved Nate into a wonderful apartment this morning, with Christian roomates and only $500 rent per month--and he has a bedroom door that actually closes! We have spent the last few hours putting together his kitchen and bedroom (knock down, screw-in, inexpensive furniture. (His roomates are thrilled with the smallest thing. And now, after being gone for 7 days, I am going home (hotel home!)to take a nap and shower and then Clay and I will have the weekend to celebrate our 25th anniversary, two years late. I was afraid we wouldn't have any time together, but the Lord has helped us amazingly. Thanks so much for all who prayed and wrote to us. It really strengthened me emotionally and spiritually. You are so important to me! We are even going to Mary Poppins--the Broadway play tonight! I will do my best to act like an adult!Blessings to you and many thanks to the Lord! Sally