Today, I am.......

Sitting in my living room with candles lit and fire blazing, reading my Celtic Daily Prayer book and some passages from Daily Light and drinking my Yorkshire Gold tea out of a china cup my friend Deb gave me for Christmas--and it is blue, my favorite color. Yesterday I made shortbread cookies and cut them with heart cookie cutters and sprinkled them with red sugar crystals and hosted some of Joy's friends for pizza and fun. I will finish making the dough into cookies for today when we sit down for a cup of tea. I love butter cookies with vanilla and almond.

Yesterday, Joy and I met for our once a week intensive discipleship training. She drove all the way downtown on the freeway to a little French cafe where I take her for strong French coffee. It is a great place to be adults together as they play classical music and have a little flower on each table--a rare place in this frontier town of Colorado Springs. She  made it all the way without a glitch, even driving beside semis and in crowded traffic. I am thankful she is doing well and thankful she is my last child I have to teach to drive! :)

I read her a passage from Donald Miller's book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It was about all the youth that are growing up without fathers in Portland, Oregon. Also, the story of a man who grew up with 2 alcoholic parents who would leave him in the car while they stayed late at bars, and how he rose up above his wounded past and started a mentor program to youth who had no adult to help them reach adulthood in a healthy way. Tears streamed from her sweet face. "That breaks my heart, Mom. I want to do something with my life to help."

Nathan called twice while we were together to talk about a job interview and then about how it went and if he should take it or another job. Joy grimaced and said, "He always seems to call lately when we are talking." :) always interruptions in life with a family.

Shopping at Sam's for flowers and fruit and stuff we always seem to be running out of.......

Wearing my two favorite silver bracelets--one that says Expect Miracles, and the other that says, "The peace of God will guard your heart," given to me by precious friends. Somehow I think by wearing them, they speak to my brain and heart.

Meeting with Sarah in a little while for our coffee and Saturday morning walk downtown amongst the old Victorian houses.

Planning and pulling together pretty little plates and napkins for our Dallas Possibilitea. Chocolates, tea, coffee, fruit, goodies, ............

Reading a little today from a George MacDonald novel just for my pleasure. (The Musician's Quest)

Washing my clothes for wearing at the Dallas/Ft. Worth conference next week and packing the three outfits I wear at every conference so that I never have to think about clothes when I travel.

Looking at some beautiful red roses that I bought myself the other day just for beauty. I love roses.

Thanking God that He loved us before the foundation of the world.