Storyformed Podcast Episode #27 - Why Do Goodness, Truth, and Beauty Matter? (A Conversation with Adam Pelser

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Do you ever hear people rattle off the words, 'goodness, truth, and beauty', and wonder what they are talking about? We mention this triad of words from time to time on the Storyformed podcast, but don't often take the time to discuss what we really mean when we say them. So, today I had the opportunity to interview philosophy professor Adam Pelser about this topic!

Adam received his Ph.d from Baylor University where he studied under Bob Roberts, a renown Christian philosopher. Adam is a currently a philosophy professor at the Air Force Academy where he teaches Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Love, and even a course on C.S. Lewis and Philosophy. He writes on emotions and virtue formation and he is currently writing a book on Emotional Evidence for God where he explains how we can see God with the "eyes of our heart." You can connect with Adam on Facebook and Twitter (@AdamCPelser) and at his website -  

Topics Include:

  • The value of understanding goodness, truth, and beauty as Christian virtues
  • How goodness, truth, and beauty show up in everyday life
  • How goodness, truth and beauty reveal themselves in stories
  • Book recommendations

To listen to this podcast and to view the show notes, click HERE.