“I am the light of the world.”
“The people who were walking in darkness have seen a great light.”
What have you trained your heart to notice and your mind to dwell upon? To observe? What are you looking for in the moments of your life every day?
Each of us has eyes in our heart that see life as we choose to see it. If we have determined to look for beauty, to be aware of light and goodness, then we will notice it wherever we go. Each year, I determine several themes that I will choose for the actions of my heart eyes. This year, I determined to look for light, to observe it, to note its beauty. Light reflects the essence of Christ to me, so I notice light to remind me He is everywhere.
Because of my determination to look for light, I have noticed light casting shadows and grace upon trees. I pay attention to sunrises and sunsets. I look for light because He is light and it causes me to think of Him and worship Him for bringing out of darkness into light. If we have made a decision to be critical and complaining as a way of life, we will see fault and have disappointment wherever we go.
Imagine my delight, when I went to visit a dear friend in London, and she whisked me off to an amazingly exquisite chandelier shop, with a captivating story of a woman’s legacy to gather gorgeous lights and chandeliers from castles, estates, even from Victorias’ events as well as from Lady Diana’s family home. I can’t wait for you to hear my story on my podcast today. (and my sweet friend, Shelly Miller, who took me to see the shop and meet the owners, didn’t even know I had made light a theme of my year.
But even more, my sweet friend brought me beauty, rest, comfort, pleasure and delight that I didn’t even know I needed. She prepared for me in such wonderful ways and I felt refreshed and inspirer from head to toe. It caught me pondering how to create beauty and prepare pleasure for those in my life who need to be cared for.
Hats for a rainy day! Love Shelly Miller!
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I am on my fifth week of living out of a suitcase. I have been in 4 cities, spent 3 weeks helping to care for sweet grandchildren who have not quite learned the skill of sleeping long and reaching out and seeking to help and meet needs of many on my path. I have been writing, editing, doing podcasts and blog posts and have tucked them in amidst this very demanding few weeks.
It is a privilege to me. I love pondering how to bring the love, gentleness, grace of God to my precious family, my friends and those He brings my way because He has been so very gracious and kind to me. But, as I am human, my body can become weary and exhausted or depleted, sometimes when I do not even know it.
I hurriedly packed a small computer bag, threw everything together, and then caught an early morning train to London to stay with a friend while ultimately on my way to Scotland to see Joel and Joy. My friend said she would meet me in the train station so that I would not have to figure out the subways by myself to get to her house.
Much to my surprise, she had planned such a fun day, but it unfolded a little at a time. . A visit to a chandelier shop with an amazing story behind it began our time. The delightful owners guided us through gorgeous rooms filled with treasures from castles, estates, famous and renown. The shop had a story, the people had a story and each piece was a treasure with a history of the places they had hung and the people they had served. It was fascinating as I had no idea such a shop existed. People from all over the world come to be served at this splendid place, even royalty!
Next, we lunched at a charming English cafe, (Churchill pub) where every view held charm and intriguing objects of historical interest.. We sat near a crackling fire and ate Thai food and chatted. (Who thought a pub would specialize in Pad Thai—nary a fish and chip in sight!
Next, across the street was a visit to Sally Clarke bakery. (Almost Sally Clarkson!) which was grand—a tour with the staff there, photos, and giggles. Next, after tromping through lovely roads with twists and turns, we arrived at her lovely flat. A hot pot of tea warmed us after being blown over the boulevard. Next, I ran up to my third floor room to get settled and came down to an elaborately prepared home cooked meal with candles.
The over all effect on me was an overwhelming gratefulness that someone had taken the time to serve me, to show me consideration, thoughtfulness and kindness. I had not known I needed someone to show me personal attention, but I drank it in from a parched soul that had gone too long without nourishment.
I remembered another such time that I had recorded in my journal when I was weary, depleted and felt I could not even get out of bed. I hope my story helps you to know that you are not alone and that you are seen right where you are.
Sunday morning found me hiding under my covers. For years and years, as long as I can remember, I have been an early riser, mostly because it is the only way I could write and carry on a full fledged ministry and still keep my family as a priority. With books to be written and deadlines to be met and emails to be answered and radio shows for interviews and conferences to arrange, arising early gave me two to three more hours to my day. But this day, I didn't want to get up, feeling weary from the fray. I had thoughts wandering through my head like, "I don't think I can do this anymore. Why have I been driving myself for ministry? You know I love you, Lord. But for the moment, I can't think about everything and I don't want to face this day. I may never get out of bed!" Funny how Satan attacks our thoughts and uses discouragement against us female beings who live and love so much with our emotions.
Now, to give perspective, I was churning inside from the news of a friend's 6 year old daughter who had been sexually molested by a 15 year old cousin; a close family member of mine is struggling against deathly illness, another friend heavy with the care of a precious child who will have mysterious medical challenges forever, the medical issues of two of my own sweet children looming always; and all the other burdens of life. I thought about the time when Jesus was walking along and a woman who had been bleeding for years and she touched his garment and "the strength went out of him." That's how I was feeling--in the midst of my labor with sweet ones, "the strength had gone out of Sally."
Finally, after hours of staying in bed, (from 6 a.m. to 9--that is very late for me!), my feet mechanically moved to the floor. Joy's sweet voice yelled up to me from downstairs, "Don't you dare get up, Mom!" I slipped back in bed, arranged my pillows and waited. She breezed in chattering joyfully about the great morning she was having bearing a tray with a lovely napkin, a steaming hot cup of tea, a glass bowl with freshly cut up cherries, raspberries and blueberries and whip cream on the top, and a small lit candle.
Now, I might have expected this from Sarah, but I wasn't expecting it from Joy, as she was much younger at the time. (12 at the time). In that moment, Joy became to me the arms of God as she said, "I think you need a nice hug." She squeezed me tight and planted a kiss on my cheek. Her love offering to me seemed to say, "I love you, Sally. I am aware of the ragings of your soul. Here is a sweet angel to soothe your spirit with kindness today," as though it were from God Himself. Joy's service to me became an act of an angel from God, an unexpected flash of light--a gift to strengthen me.
"I have been working for an hour, Mom. I cleaned up the whole downstairs and the kitchen. It looks so pretty. I figured if you were staying in bed that long, you must be in need of cheer. I love you! Now, enjoy yourself alone for a few minutes, I have a couple of more things to take care of!"
The battle lines are familiar to me. I am what one might call an old warrior--familiar with the darkness, the battles raging, the issues at stake. I have learned to put one foot in front of another year after year, because my eyes are on what lies ahead--the reward of being with Jesus in His place that He is preparing for all of us who love Him.
I have looked at Him and thought about Him and cherished His sacrificial life and His pattern has given me reason to keep going. But this day, this weary day, He broke into my moments, through two small acts of kindness to assure me of His presence. How thankful I am that two people responded to the promptings of my heavenly Father to pour out His gentle, quiet lovingkindess on my weary soul.
Never under-estimate the power of kindness to help someone make it through. A vase of flowers, an email, a cup of tea or coffee, a candle, a short visit, a cleaned house, all of these can shift the mood and place of emotional havoc to one of “I think I can make it.”
I hope you enjoy our chat today and prepare a place and a time of kindness for yourself or someone you love.
You can find my wonderful friend and her books at: https://www.instagram.com/shellymillerwriter/
also her web site: http://shellymillerwriter.com
Refresh yourself through her words:
Books Referenced in this Podcast:
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