Cultivating A Rich Inner Life Through Reading with Sarah & Podcast

Working on our thoughts, dreams, inspirations together over coffee inspires me so much. Oh the treasure of having a writing daughter and friend. A treasure indeed. (Surely little Samuel is taking it all in and will follow in all of the Clarkson’s st…

Working on our thoughts, dreams, inspirations together over coffee inspires me so much. Oh the treasure of having a writing daughter and friend. A treasure indeed. (Surely little Samuel is taking it all in and will follow in all of the Clarkson’s steps. :)

A woman who reads is a woman who knows she must act: in courage, in creativity, in kindness, and often in defiance of the darkness around her. She understands that life itself is a story and that she has the power to shape her corner of the drama.” 

Sarah Clarkson

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Our family is a family of words. Words inspire, teach, guide, comfort, lead us forward. Maybe you could say it is our vocation as a family since all of us write and speak. But the words you cherish, listen to, speak will deterring the course of your life.

Life is draining, every day, all the time. So, it is logical that we have to be diligent at filling our hearts, minds and souls on a regular basis so that we can continually be refueling.. But what to fill it with?

There is so much junk on the internet and so many voices that speak to us of compromise of morality, lowering of biblical convictions, and plain old vanity.

My goal as a woman is to sift through the books and blogs to find the messages that call me to my better self, that inspire me to love more, have more faith, live more steadfastly. But I have to invest in my thought life regularly to keep strong and to keep growing.

Truth, goodness, beauty, and excellence will beget in us a soul that is rich with truth, goodness, beauty and excellence. What you invest in your will become. These are some of the parameters of those things I read. I cannot give out in my ministry and messages unless I am filling up on what is good and godly.

How encouraging it is to converse with all of my children because they are all growing, deepening their convictions, seeking to love God. Talking to them and finding out what they are reading keeps me challenged to grow in my own life.

Sarah and I had many opportunities to talk about ideas, convictions, books, and we challenged one another to a stronger, better walk with God. And of course, we both write and pour out our thoughts and convictions through our various places of teaching and ministry.

Books have been the secret friends and guides to our own lives. Books have kept us going forward in our faith, courage and actions. Today, on my podcast, we talk about growing stronger and living a vibrant, sustainable life by investing in books that inspire and give life. . I hope it will help and encourage you to keep seeking to fill your own life with the good the beautiful and true.

Sarah is writing a newsletter online that is filled with these sorts of ideas. Maybe you would enjoy receiving her newsletter. You can find all about Sarah and sign up for her free newsletter at

How fun it is to know that all of those years I was reading out loud to my wiggly children, they were all developing souls that loved and lived to share words.

“My parents read to us morning and night, we read novels before bedtime, we read devotions in the morning, and we read picture books or adventure tales in the afternoon.”  Sarah Clarkson

Happy Reading.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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