5 Ways To Be Healthy and Strong for the Long Run & podcast


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“Mama, do you think we can fit in a short tea time this afternoon with Kristen?”

My days in Scotland have been full to the brim with early morning heart-felt chats and warm cups of tea, dinners with friends and colleagues of Joel and Joy; attending lectures; sitting sequestered with 18 PHD students in an old paneled room on a cold rainy day for 8 hours of work as each lived in their own mind palaces and worked fervently at their these, while I wiled away hours editing a book.

The promise of a tea time with an infectiously-enthusiastic-for-life friend seemed a reward to a busy week. We split Victoria sponge Cake, and carrot cake, sipped very strong tea and talked of messages on our hearts to inspire our friends.

Kristen Emmer always inspires me, her enthusiasm for life and ideals always makes me want to grow stronger, be better, love more generously. As a trained functional medical health coach, she cares deeply about how to help women thrive within the confines of their own life story. We talked and I, once again, got excited about what she was sharing with me.

Though time was short, I thought, “I really want to do a podcast on this because my friends would be so encouraged.”

Kristen was on her way for a weekend trip with her husband, but we raced to Joy’s apartment and quickly recorded some thoughts we had all been sharing. Her desire to help women live a healthy life-style, to live strong is contagious. She is in the process of putting together all sorts of inspiration that I know will encourage you, so be sure to follow her at for more to come. https://www.emmerandearth.com

Here are the five areas we discussed today and just a brief set of notes to give you an idea of what is aired on the podcast.! I am remotivated to stay on track!

Nourishment— what you put in your body

Do you feed your body from other substances that are alive? veggies, fruit, real? Pick recipes that are made with fresh food, start out with one ingredient choices and you will probably be closest to natural.

So much more to discuss in this area, but truly what you put into your body will determine the long term health of your body.

Movement— what you do with your body

Our bodies love movement: walking, dancing, carrying, bending, stretching. If you include movement in your routines every day, it will increase your circulation, your sense of well-being and happiness, your body strength, lower your blood pressure, give better mental strength and so much more. Making this a habit as a way of life will give you a foundation of strength.

Stress—how you deal with internal and external sources of strain

Managing stress, being aware of it regularly, simplifying life will determine your long term emotional, physical and spiritual health. Determine the drainers you can get rid of, find new ways to deal with the ones that will never go away.

Relationships— the way your networks drain, train, and shape you. What people add to your life? Spend time with them. What draining people are in your life? How can you either remove yourself from drainers or find ways to get a break. Become aware about how the health of relationships adds or subtracts from you every day.

Sleep— the way you reset your body

Sleep provides rest, restoration, emotional balance, hormonal balance. How can you improve your sleep and or deal with the rhythms of sleep so that it can best benefit your body?

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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