Why Education Matters & Adventures in Scotland, Peacocks & Podcast


God has created human beings to have a great capacity to use their brains to understand, learn, study, comprehend, create, invent, debate. And so one of the stewardships we have as moms is to take responsibility for our children's minds.

What a whirlwind of a week here in Scotland, but what fun. I am always amazed at how the Lord arranges devine appointments for me as I just pitter patter through my days. I am excited to share my podcast with you today because being in St. Andrews and rubbing shoulders with students and having conversations with Joel and Joy has reignited the fire in my mind and heart about why I believe so deeply in education and its impact on our legacy, history and lives.

I hope you will enjoy this discussion today on my podcast. Education is not primarily to prepare us to be able to get jobs, nor is it about 12 or 15 years in a formal school setting. Whether one works as a waitress, a nurse, a professor, a lawyer, a builder or farmer, education is about forming an excitement to know, to learn, to think. It also paves the way for spiritual formation and a knowledge and love of God based on intellect and wonder and worship. We are educated by what we spend our time on and engage in, by how we invest the hours of our lives. Education is about capturing the heart’s and mind’s imagination about story, history, legacy of righteousness needing to be passed down through every generation. It is a lifetime and a lifestyle pursuit. We are the conductors of such life. Join us as we talk about these important issues.

But first, imagine my delight and surprise about getting embroiled in a discussion about peacocks and their calls with four friends who have met over many years, all cyclists and all jolly and fun. I was innocently sitting on the only couch in a very tiny coffee shop typing away on my computer, (because it had internet which Joel and Joy did not have!) and was totally engrossed in my work. I finally looked up at the three other men sharing the couch with me and found out their story, a birthday celebration, an authentic peacock call right in the cafe and a basketful of delights and giggles.

I am off today again to revisit my little grands and Sarah and Thomas and then home to America to tell Clay all about it. I told him I feel a little guilty and actually thrilled that I missed the 2 feet of snow that fell in our little neighborhood while I was gone. My fondest wish is to never drive my car in snow again!

I wish you all a lovely week. Let me know what you think about my thoughts and be sure to keep the Awakening Wonder Weekend on your calendars. Love to all of you—this community is so very dear to me.

Awaking Wonder Weekend

with Sally Clarkson & Friends

Aug 21-22 in Denver, CO
Aug 28-29 in Irving, TX
Sep 18-19 in Irvine, CA

Registration opening April 1st! Hope you can join me.