This message sits next to my quiet time chair and I ponder it many mornings—Great is HIs faithfulness.
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Do you ever feel like just when you are going to have a good day, someone spills something, argues, gets a fever when you were looking forward to going outside? Part of the challenge of life is learning to celebrate the joyful times and learning to live in grace through the times when life is just hard to tame.
Today, I had the funniest story from a mama who was waxing eloquent on a sweet comment to me. After she was through, she found her little 2 year old who had messed in his sisters’ pillow and hidden it in a dresser drawer! Never a dull moment. I hope you will love the podcast today.
Here is something joy shared with me from Julian of Norwich, a Middle Ages mystic devoted to the Lord. Be sure to read to the end.
Our Lord revealed to me a supreme spiritual delight in my soul. In this delight I was silled full of everlasting certainty, powerfully sustained, without any fear. This feeling was so welcome to me and so excellent that I was at peace, at east, and at rest, so that there was nothing on earth that could have distressed me.
This only last a while, and my mood turned right round and I was left to myself, feeling depressed, weary of myself and disgusted with my life, so that I could hardly have the patience to go on living. There was no ease or comfort, as I felt, except faith, hope, and charity, and these I had indeed, but could feel them very little
... This vision was shown to me to teach me— as I understand it— that it is necessary for everyone to feel in this way: sometimes to be comforted and sometimes to feel failure and be left to oneself. God wants us to know that he keeps us equally safe in joy and in sorrow, and loves as much in sorrow as in joy. And for the benefit of his soul, a man is sometimes left to himself, although sin is not always the cause; for this time I committed no sin.
Seems like in all areas of life, maturity, productivity, effectiveness is a process--often takes practice to begin getting it right--just like these pictures--finally we got an acceptable one.
No one is perfect--our lives take many days, months, years of practice and hard work to come out fruitful in time.
One of my friends said, "Sally, it seems with all of your candle lighting and tea cups and flowers and focus on joy, that your life was just easier than mine and that you had more perfect children.
We are surrounded by myths or women who seem to "have it more together" than we do. But the reality is, we are living in a fallen world and there will always be challenges, obstacles, temptations and weariness. But the glory of a woman is to learn how to overcome and civilize--and the key to lasting well is living in grace, rest, peace and love.
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