Awaking Wonder: Making Your Home a Place of Resources & The Gang Podcast


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“Make it a goal to give your child an environment that piques their curiosity in people, ideas, stories. Give them opportunities to explore, learn, and create driven by their own interest and delight.”

Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder

“Mom, I’m bored. There’s nothing to do!”

Oh how I dreaded this statement. Yet, this pressure helped lead me to understand that the more interesting I made my home, the less my children would need me to entertain them. Clay and I spent many a time together figuring out how to create places of art and drawing, places to build and leave up lego creations, a box of dress up clothes and a myriad of other items that our children could use to build on their own creative play that led to a more robust imagination and more knowledge.

I can’t wait to share this podcast that I recorded with my leaders who have so wonderfully created our membership, We have put together a community where fun traditions, spiritual teaching, ideas, books, recipes, discipleship takes place all the time. We created it to be a resource for all of you who want ideas to keep these ideals going. It is our hope that our membership will help Awaken Your Wonder and know better how to build your own home into a place that exudes life, fun, education, discipleship.

Last week I talked with my friends about getting started and establishing foundations for awaking wonder. We are back this week to discuss resources for making your home a place to awaken wonder in your children. All parents are educators regardless of whether they choose public school, private school, or homeschooling and our homes can be a place of inspiration, imagination, and learning. With a bit of planning and intentionality, you can create a lifegiving home where your children can explore together and develop an appetite for wonder. When my children were younger we had baskets of books, bins of dress up clothes, and briefcases for each child filled with coloring books, stickers, and other trinkets for car trips. Creating spaces where you children can explore will awaken their minds and hearts.

In today’s podcast we discuss some specific ways to make these areas of exploration a reality. Where do I create these spaces? How? Will it cost me too much money? We spend time discussing how to make new, interesting, and engaging activities while mostly using what you have on hand already. What can you utilize in a new way? What art supplies can you pull out to be more accessible? Are your children ready to learn a new game? Learning and growing doesn’t have to be while seated at a desk, it can happen all along the way.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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