Simple Cuisine Makes a Memory: Making the Most of Each Moment While You CanI


Awaking Wonder is a continual pursuit and engagement. While life seems to be the same, day after day after day, I am seeking to create interest, memories, comfort, beauty and as much joy in the menial as I am able. I have found a mix of emotions bubbling over in my heart now that I still have 2 adult children still home. The days are skewed since we do not see many people, we mainly stay home, we miss church and activities and cafes, trips and outings. But I have this day, this moment to savor, to serve to create a memory so that love will continue to be stored up in the recesses of their hearts, minds, memories.

I call my feelings happy/melancholy. Joy and I rise early to go on a walk and then each have a quiet time, share a time of devotion and prayer. Then, Joel joins us for breakfast and early mornings on our deck amongst the pine trees before it gets too hot. Joy is my baby, who is now an adult and teaching, writing, traveling and speaking world wide. She was my last one, the child of my forties now grown. It is such a joy to have her home for a bit this summer as we take a bit of a break from our responsibilities each morning for a chat and special little something for breakfast.

Joel is my helper, encourager second child, first son and we have shared many years, projects, trips together. I know I am living on borrowed time so I am making a cognitive effort to cease the days. I already miss Keelia and Nathan and of course long for Sarah and my grandchildren.

Most days when we make breakfast,, it is some kind of egg with toast or muffin. But occasionally, on early days, for special, I have made a fruit parfait of sorts to create a “That’s what we ate every day during the pandemic.”

Fresh Cherries, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, a few salted almonds and a spash of whip cream—-isn’t that a great way to say, “I love you?”

Today, I served this in bed with mugs of tea, so that getting out of bed seemed possible.

Funny how when they are tiny, you hope and hope they will stay in bed just a few more moments. Yet, before you know it, they will want to stay in bed every extra minute possible and then too quickly dash off to life. Oh to hold on to these moments and appreciate each one given as a favor from God!