Seasons Remembered, Seasons Celebrated

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When we moved into this house, I mused to my children, “See that tiny aspen tree in front of the house? Someday, it will be tall and filled with shimmering leaves that will delight us to our tiptoes. And we will watch it turn golden. Its golden leaves will slowly dance down as snow falling upon our grass. Then we will be amazed at its beauty and how it grew through all the years.”

Now, the tree does dance in the breeze. Joy was just a young teen then. Now she is a grown woman foraying out into her world of writing, speaking, teaching in places far from home. Sixteen years passed in the blink of an eye. Just like the years my children and I sat in my living room with each season, delighted at the beauty. And just so, my children all grew and changed and found their own seasons of beauty and growth as they went into the world.

As a young mama, I never knew how deeply connected and loved I would feel by these children now my deepest and very best friends, grown up. I didn’t understand how beautiful God’s design for family, that it would be the place that held us, shaped us, defined us, grew us into a tight community.

On her last afternoon, Joy and I sat, sipped tea, listened to the music and watched our leaves gently dance to the ground as the breezes played with the delicate pieces of gold. Now when I know the seasons pass swiftly, I cherish every minute I have with her, with my other precious ones, and thank God for all the years and what He was weaving into my life as the greatest blessing I would experience here on earth—belonging to my people, being safe in their friendship.

I wish I had known not to dispose the day of small things when our friendship was just being formed, the days of singing them to sleep, of reading stories together, of feasting on home-cooked meals, of sharing the birthdays and Christmases, tea times and talks.

Today, sweet mama, you are building a gift of love for yourself that will bless you your whole life. Cherish this season with your precious ones and watch it grow into something beautiful.

Join my lovely friend, Misty, as we speak of the treasure of shaping your own best friends day by day.