Tea Time Tuesday: Delighting in Life

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Welcome to my corner of the world for this Tea Time Tuesday. I get excited all week thinking of things I want to share with you. Recently, a friend said, “I like it that your refueling ideas are natural to life—a cup of tea, a candle, music, things I can actually do right where I am! No expensive massage required or nail job.”

Today, you get a glimpse of my very first early morning tea time in my little sitting room—my very own little parlor. Every flat or home in our old suburb of Oxford has a different interior and plan for the home. In many cases, the interior, in the past over 100 years since this area was built up, has been repainted, walls knocked down, stairs carpeted or not, original windows (which makes it oh so cold) or new windows which preserves the much appreciated heat. I love seeing inside the walls of friends’ homes because it is so varied and diverse.

However, I live in a fairy house (you’ll just have to wait for another day for that story or find it on other podcasts.) Imagine that I had actually been praying I would some day live in this house when I passed it every day walking to Sarah’s to take care of Lilian as an infant—and then through a series of events, was granted my deep desire. Little did I know that I would have my very own room where I could dream, write, ponder, drink gallons of tea and coffee, share secrets with friends. And Clay has his own room just opposite mine—in other words, our bedrooms are upstairs but there are 2 small sitting rooms on the main floor—and both have fireplaces—also unheard of.

This is a view of my morning—a place that brought me great delight—someone—a fairy that I never see—keeps plants and flowers in the window boxes all year long—as you can see. I have an assortment of tiny white fairy lights in different places in my house through the year because I love them. The candles I order by the 2 dozen from Amazon (must be in a glass so the house doesn’t burn down because of me), and the tea cup was purchased in a set from my local charity shop (think Good Will). So, I was simply creating my own place of great delight.

Delight has been my ponder in several areas the past week.

The definition of delight is: Delight: A high degree of gratification or pleasure: Joy

The day I arrived in Oxford, my phone buzzed. Sarah, my daughter, was calling me from her cottage south of here. As I answered on my end, Lilian, my three year old granddaughter, yelled, “I want to talk to Queenie! Mama, let me have the phone!” She proceeded to smile from ear to ear, munched on her toast and announced, “I can’t wait to see you. When will you come? How is your leg?” (Sarah said she had been praying for me every day!”

She took pleasure in me, smiled at me, gave me all her little girl love—she delighted in me and it filled my heart with joy. This is a picture of what God desires from us—our delight in Him. I will talk about this more on my podcast today. Here is some of what you can expect:

The verse for today:

The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him;
24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 37: 23-24

Music for today with Joel Clarkson—It’s time for Christmas and advent preparation, friends.

Book for today: Tea With Jane Austen—recipes from her stories

Also, The Lifegiving Table—making potato soup for an easy dinner

Many times, I have heard women say, “Sally Clarkson is so idealistic. You can tell she is not in the trenches.” I do try to balance some of what I say—ideals and reality. I would like to speak to that a bit today—in light of delight. As I struggle around Oxford, dropping my crutches, going slower than everyone else, waking minimum 3-4 times a night from some pain of sleeping the wrong way or turning on my soar muscles, I have a choice—a practice of choices to make. I dearly want to be a blessing to my precious children. I want to take the seasons with grace. (it is part of what I wrote about in Help, I’m Drowning) Listen to the podcast for more on this subject of reality and ideals.And choosing delight.

Quote of the week: Our student collects ideas, philosophy, facts, and stories. These synthesize and become foundations of their own mental library of the world.”
Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child's Heart to the Beauty of Learning

My friends, I do hope you are enjoying these Tuesdays. Let me know what you think. Sending lots of love to you precious ones and praying for you as always. Sally


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