Thanksgiving: A Time For Family Traditions! (Plus Our Recipes!)

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Holiday meals are the places I love to use the china from grandmothers, that I have inherited or bought as thrift stores along the way. The glasses do not all match and a couple of the plates are chipped. I always use chargers because is spares me from so many stains on my table cloth. But mostly, it looks festive and marks the day as one to celebrate as family. Always candles and music—and the same foliage I have used for the past couple of decades.

Holidays also means I’ve enjoyed gathering women in my home for meals, retreats, Bible studies, planning sessions, and multiple let’s-just-share-a-cuppa afternoons. Years ago, some of those special friends began helping out in various ways with our ministry—creating pdfs for me to share here, organizing blog posts, setting up tables at conferences, and eventually coming up with the idea for our membership site, Life with Sally as well as helping my books come to life. They are amazing and the site we have created together is phenomenal. I get letters all the time from women who say they are pleasantly shocked and surprised the amount of wonderful ideas, recipes, book reviews, musician stories, recipes, Bible studies and so much more on our site. It would take you a very long time to find it all there is so much.

While my close friends—my team—love working together, we all believe in celebrating our own friendship and so alongside the work we always find time to share our joys and struggles, failures and successes. Friendships are a gift, and faithful friends are few and far between.

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays I so enjoy because it’s all about gratitude in the context of relationships! It is always a treat when I can gather my ministry team for a chat, and today we’re sharing a conversation about Thanksgiving traditions from our own homes. Here are a few of the recipes we mention in our conversation—I hope you enjoy it!

Though my recipe is easy, I will share it because even today in Oxford, my children said, “Mama, why are your eggs the best?”

I always make cinnamon rolls early with coffee or tea before we watch the Macy Day Parade. But with them, I serve “Sally’s Scrambled Ham and Cheese Eggs

*6 Eggs Beaten well (we do one and a half egg for each person eating—just add a bit more eggs, ham, cheese and sour cream if you are serving more.)

*chunks of Ham cut into small pieces—your preference as to how much. I used abut 3/4 a cup today.

*2/3 cup of grated white strong cheddar cheese

*2-3 tablespoons of sour cream

*several pats of butter.

Melt the butter in a skillet. Add the ham pieces to brown just a bit. Add eggs and stir constantly—(the secret to soft, not over done eggs is to keep stirring so they can cook slowly.) When they are the right consistency for your preference, remove from stove. Add the cheese and sour cream. Stir evenly through all the eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve. Easy and tastes special.

Jenny’s Quick Ambrosia

2 cans mandarin oranges

2 pineapple chunks

1 jar maraschino cherries

1 bag mini marshmallows

1 container sour cream

Dump all ingredients into a bowl, stir, and serve to your very happy children and friends!

Gretchen’s Homemade Egg Noodles

3 Egg yolks
1 Whole Egg
1 tsp. Salt
2 c. Flour
3 Tbsp. Cold Water

Beat egg yolks and whole egg until very light. Beat in cold water and salt. Stir in flour and work in with hands. Divide dough into 3 parts. Roll out each piece as thin as possible (paper-thin) on light floured board or counter top. Use plenty of flour when rolling out. Let dry until dough is like chamois skin. Roll up dough as for jelly roll. With a sharp knife cut into strips of desired width (1/8" for
fine noodles.) Shake out the strips and allow to dry before using or storing

Misty’s Crockpot Mashed Potatoes

8 medium potatoes

1 cp sour cream

8 oz chive and onion cream cheese

4 Tb butter

1/4 cup chives

1 1/2 tsp salt

2 minced garlic cloves

1/2 tsp pepper

1 1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 cup thinly sliced green onion

2 slices crumbled bacon


Boil potatoes 10 minutes or until tender. Beat cream cheese and sour cream in crockpot until smooth. Beat in potatoes, adding milk as needed. Add other ingredients through onion. Dot w butter, sprinkle with paprika. Place in refrigerator. To serve, heat 3-4 hours on low. Sprinkle with bacon before serving.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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