Hope in Christ, The Foundation of Our Faith

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Tonight, (Sunday night) I experienced one of the most wonderful advent services. Merton College, one of the schools that is part of the Oxford system, held an advent service last night that touched me to my core. Sitting in the darkness with no lights, we strained our ears to the choir reminding us of Christ coming as light to the darkness. Holding our own candles, eventually we lit them, one person to another, and the room was filled with glory and beauty. Eventually after scripture readings, songs, hymns. we were ushered into the foyer slowly to stand shoulder to shoulder, a gathering of hundreds of people where our candles were burning bright, the organ was boldly filling the room with rich notes, but even more splendid and surprising, the bell ringers, over a hundred feet above us, were pulling the ropes and ringing in the hope that Christ brings.

(Look at the very top of my snapshot—you will see the dark figures of 3-one in the middle, one on either side, ringing in the hope of Christ as we begin to celebrate Advent. Oddly, I was thinking about how hidden the bell ringers are—but how important their job—ringing out hope through their faithful labor—kind of like us!)

I was talking to a couple of my children in the past couple of weeks. All of us agree that we have felt discouraged in our faith, weary in our hearts. We all want to keep our faith alive, we all desire to serve Christ, but honestly, with no church, no regular connection with people and events, with all of the negative news and political conflict between families and friends, the storm of life has left many of us depleted. Have you felt that way—emotionally distant in faith, but thoroughly committed in character. Talking about it together is so important. Being friends and helping one another has been so important for us.

Yet, feeling discouraged is a part of the experience of so many people throughout history, especially the history of Israel. Advent is a break of light into darkness, hope into discouragement. Mary found favor with God because she was cherishing hope in the midst of a dark time. Now is the time for us to kindle our hope, encourage one another and to stay fast as we live faithfully—be it done according to your will—and tell a story that in eternity will ring true of the behind the ways He was always at work in our lives and in the world.

I hope you will be encouraged by my podcast today.


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