Tea Time Tuesday: Preparing Room In Your Heart For Friendship

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One of the reasons I love the Christmas season is that it reminds me to make time for those I love and cherish. Making time for meals, tea times, where I plan on seeking out the one in front of me—to look into their eyes, to discern the weights they carry, to leave them with the fragrance of love and acceptance—these are some of my goals when I make time to share life over a cup of tea or coffee.

Last night, I was typing away to create a blog out of the podcast I had been struggling to record for almost 2 hours. A gentle knock on my door temporarily distracted me.

“Can I come in?” Joy quietly asked.

In her hands were two mugs of foamed milk, sprinkled with brown sugar atop—(A holiday touch)—and filled with decaf spicy bedtime tea. A surprise that absolutely delighted me. Someone had thought of me—someone had spoiled me—a rare treat.

Have any of us ever had too much love or encouragement? Too many words of appreciation? Too many acts of kindness? I know I haven’t.

We all long for kindred spirits — those with whom we could spend hours dreaming, laughing, and sharing our heart’s troubles. But many people I know struggle to find those kindred spirits. Living our busy lives, we hope that lifelong friendships will fall into our lap, or come knocking at our front door. But over many years of struggling with loneliness myself, I’ve found that the best way to cultivate a true, deep-rooted friendship is to commit to seeking them out, intentionally going out of our way to invite a new friend over for a cup of tea and a deep discussion. And so, many years ago, a weekly appointment for cups or tea or coffee with my “besties” or my children became a lifetime commitment.

It is my tea time friendships that have built deep connection with those who know me and still love me. Make this month a time of thoughtful connection with your own tea time friends. The photo above is one in which one of my tea time friends prepared a memory for us together over tea.

Lessons of a PHD with Dr. Joy Clarkson

Why we need advent: Sarah Clarkson

Scripture: A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine—when one of us is very happy, it spreads the happiness to all of us.

Favorite Christmas Album: Midwinter Carols #2, Joy to the world is my favorite Song of the week:Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room—prepare for those you love that they might feel His love. Also, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight. (Oh Little Town of Bethlehem)

Meal: Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Noodles

Quote of the week: “Understanding that influence is best cultivated through love and friendship, I sought to deepen my sympathy for what was going on in their hearts, to understand their personalities, to affirm their intrinsic worth to me, to God and to others, and to encourage them on a daily basis.” Sally Clarkson


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