Strength for the Day, Hope for Tomorrow — SallyClarkson.com

Strength for the Day, Hope for Tomorrow


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Strength: The capacity or ability of something or someone to withstand great force or pressure

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13

I receive hundreds of letters each month from precious ones who are bearing so much in life—the heart break of beloved prodigals; illness, relationship conflict; exhaustion, isolation in marriage, financial problems, stress and pressure of every kind.

I pray for all of you who write me and know how hard life can be. Yet, as I was praying, I was asking myself, how in the world did I make it through? So many challenges, seasons of stress and discouragement, and all the things mentioned in my online mail.

There was a principle that I began to learn and slowly grew in that helped me make it through one day at a time. It was learning to tap into God’s strength. Learning that I was not alone. Understanding how to let Him carry my burdens so that I could strain into my capacity to bear life’s demands.

Not long ago, my sweet granddaughter, Lily, was at my house. I was trying to move the groceries off the dining table so that I could set it for dinner. She loves to help, so she chimed in, “I’ll do it!” But, alas, the grocery bag was way too heavy for her little hands. “You help me, Queenie.”

And so I placed my hands next to hers and together, we lifted the heavy bag and placed it on the chair near my cabinet where I could unload them.

She looked up at me with big blue eyes, full of pride, and said, “You and I can lift really heavy things. We are so strong!”

It was a picture of God’s gentle and capable help of me in my own life-His capable hands on mine help me carry the loads.

Today on my podcast, I speak of what it looks like to find God’s strength, with Him lifting the load with me, no matter what I am carrying, no matter how heavy the burden. I share some of my favorite verses about His strength. I pray that it will encourage you along your own path. And I pray you will know God’s love in your journey.


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