Stay Fast To Your Ideals! Every Tiny Bit of Faithfulness Adds UP! — SallyClarkson.com

Stay Fast To Your Ideals! Every Tiny Bit of Faithfulness Adds UP!


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Many of you know that I am happily and anxiously awaiting the arrival of a precious grandchild, Sarah’s little girl. As I was sitting in the late afternoon sun yesterday, sipping my tea, I was pondering my own sweet little girl, now become woman.

Sarah is delightful. She is an artist in everything—the way she decorates and brings life and beauty to the walls of her home; the spread of food and table decor she prepares to make every meal a visual and taste experience; she spins words together in such a way that she paints living pictures through each story; she plays her Celtic piano pieces and brings dramatic soulful music to life. There are so many things about her now that I am amazed at and have grown to appreciate about her.

Yet, when I first held her, I could not have even imagined all of the ways she would grow and the deep heart of faith and love she would embrace as an adult.. But now I know that each sacrifice I learned to make, each kiss, each late night song as I was nursing; each bedtime story, each moment of training or correction added up to the full person she has become. It all adds up. Nothing is wasted.

As I have been thinking of so many of you, my friends, I know that many of you are feeling weary, overwhelmed, exhausted, as though nothing you are doing matters. And yet, I now know that holding fast to ideals, being faithful one day upon another is what actually builds a life. Stay fast, your labor is not in vain.

I have looked back through the life storms and stresses I encountered and it was holding fast to God’s faithfulness and promises that kept me fast through all the days and years. And now, I know that staying strong and faithful through all the years is what built my own precious one into the woman she has become. And though you can’t see it yet, your thousands of moments of faithfulness is shaping that child into what will become a strong, loving, faithful adult.

I wanted to share some of my favorite verses that kept me going, gave hope, comfort and direction through the years of my own journey. Click the button below to receive 12 Anchoring Verses to Hold Onto Hope, a beautiful poster filled with some of my favorite verses.

I hope my little podcast and the verses will serve you in encouraging you right where you are today.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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