The Chosen With Dallas Jenkins

Click here to listen to today’s new podcast episode with Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen.

Have you ever wished you could bring the personal love of Christ before your children in such a way that their hearts will be shaped by Him? Longed to make His stories real, His words memorable in a way they will remember their whole lives? I’m so excited to tell you about a wonderful resource that has accomplished just that for our family.

As I look back on the lives of my children, it was a visual, real life experience that has lived in their memories since they were little. Stage lights shined brightly and focussed on Sarah, 9, and Joel, 7, as they entered into their roles of Lisa and Billy each Friday and Saturday night for three years. They played grandchildren as their grandfather told them the stories of Christ in The Promis for 2 1/2 hours on a large professional stage each evening to thousands of people in the audience. Nathan entered the stage numerous times on cue when children were called upon to be in a scene in the live and narrative of Jesus. Clay and I and even baby Joy participated and all of us were deeply impacted by participating hundreds of times, entering into the reality of the words and life of Christ as seen through the gospels. These words of Christ, enacted night after night, became a reality in their hearts.

There is something very special about engaging in visual reality of the New Testament stories. No longer just words on a page, but the characters in the story become more real, live in a context of life and have an affect on our lives.

That is why I am so very excited to talk about the new series, The Chosen, today on my podcast with the Dallas Jenkins. Dallas Jenkins is an American film and television director, writer and film producer. He is best known as the creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, the first multi-season series about the life of Christ, and the most successful media crowd-fund of all time. His career is focused on faith-based media.

Last spring, in the fullness of Covid restrictions keeping us at home, our family began to watch this amazing series. All of us were deeply touched by the heart-felt stories of the people living out the gospels and we became engaged in the beauty and excellence of the quality of the productions.

Millions of people all over the world have been brought closer to Christ through this transforming story so beautifully presented in full color through episodes that draw us into the intimacy of the stories Jesus lived. I hope you will watch it with your family.

You can find out all about it HERE @ Watch it, support it, tell others about it. And be sure to listen to the podcast with him.


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