Keeping My Head Above Water & Giveaway

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"And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward."

Matthew 10: 42

Give Away: 20 Copies of Help, I’m Drowning today.

When I review the decades of my life, I am actually so surprised it was filled with so much tragedy, difficulty and experiences that broke my heart. It is why I wanted to write a book for you, my friends, who have born such sadness and challenge this past couple of years.

Yet, I do find solace when I remember that Jesus, my precious Lord, understands suffering, darkness of soul, and exhaustion. He was a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief and is familiar with every kind of heart break and disappointment. I am so very sorry that so many of you have born these kinds of disappointments and discouragements these past couple of years.

Today’s giveaway is especially for women who have served as first responders and medical front line workers, anyone who has experienced a flood, loss of house, illness, death in the family, fire, flood, or exceptional circumstances. May you know you are not alone, but seen right where you are. We are praying for each of you.

I will be giving away 20 copies of my book. If you would like to receive one, leave your comment or tag a friend that you would like to have win a book. For an extra entry, share this giveaway in your stories. Winners will be announced after 9 PM Eastern Time.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:


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