Motherhood: Heroic Endings Amidst Difficulty

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We all understand that motherhood will change our lives forever -- we can see that our time won't just be ours anymore, that we'll be responsible for another little being, that being a mama is a lifelong commitment.

But even knowing this as a young woman, I didn't fully comprehend how difficult motherhood would be, how raging life-storms would catch me off-guard over and over again, how I'd so often wonder how I'd even make it to the end of the week. Have you felt like this, too?

If only I could count the number of times I thought to myself, "I don't know if I can make it through another day. I'm exhausted, overworked, lonely. I feel like I'm drowning."

Eventually, with years of practice and determination, I learned the value of pushing through, taking just one more step when I thought it impossible. I am even shocked now to see that God was producing fruitfulness in my life beyond my

imagination by helping me to keep going on His path. Endurance and perseverance by faith can lead to a treasure of blessings when the path is directed and companioned by God.

The best part of learning to endure through difficult times is the legacy I now see in the lives of my four children. They watched our responses of keeping growing, keeping faithful, growing stronger, and becoming wiser over many years.

We didn't know this at the time, but our imperfect yet consistent attempts at faithfulness gifted them with the wisdom and courage to keep pushing through their own storms.

It may not feel like it today, or even tomorrow, or next week, but every small decision you make in the direction of faithfulness matters, mama. It matters more than you know.

Today, I will be giving away 20 copies of my new book Help I’m Drowning for new mamas or mamas who are weary and discouraged — to enter, leave a comment tagging a friend who you’d like to receive the book, and make sure you’re following me on Facebook or Instagram.

Books Referenced in this Podcast:



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