Tea Time Tuesday: Our Dwelling Shapes Us

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We shape our dwellings and afterwords, our dwellings shape us.

Winston Churchill

October always thrills me to my toes. Each year, a walk amongst rustling leaves, a slight chill in the air, books read outlaid, meals shared, extended teatimes—all have given me pleasure for so long, it still sings joy in my heart to think of it.

* I hope you will plan to make special memories with your friends, neighbors, children, spouses this month. In many parts of the nation—and certainly in our little corner of Colorado—autumn is the time when the temperatures drop and a chill is felt in the air.

*What fun I had being whisked away with some friends (Paris and northern UK) for an afternoon of chatting and catching up in the lovely Cotswolds, a collection of towns with off-white stone walls queried from the local hills. Cotswold means Hills with Sheep. And that is what you see—-grassy hills with lazy sheep grazing and munching their dinner. My friend gave me a lovely little box of tea from Paris to sip after they left—and guess what?! It was blue—as you can see in the photo above. You’ll have to listen to my podcast to find out what makes it blue—and to hear another of my new favorite teas. It was quite light and refreshing.

*For many years, Clay and I have built our deep companionship over hours of shared cups of tea and sharing hearts, dreams, burdens, and life. I had you peek into our own shared memory because it has lent to us growing closer over years, one cup of tea at a time.

Curling up together on the long cold nights often found the Clarksons reading an epic tale together. One that you must read at some point is A Tale of Two Cities, both historical and literature tied into one tale.

You will love Music for the Lifegiving Home by Joel Clarkson to spread lovely music through your rooms.

A Taco Train (or Tostado Train) is what I am feeding groups in my home this month.

More thoughts of things that make your home a happy one.

When the places inside home are intentionally crafted, these seasons can become the places where memories can be shaped and stored forever. Grace to you. Tell me what is happening in your world.