Seasons of Life

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“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
Albert Camus

There were many times in my life when I would feel, “I don’t think I will make it through this season. I am not strong enough. I don’t feel like I can make it.”

But then I would make it and come out of the season into another. But as I look back now, I realize that seasons—singleness, marriage, parenting, birthing, raising children, growing older, are all seasons of life that we pass through. God even built seasons into nature as a picture to us that mirrors our real lives—Spring, a time of renewal and rebirth; Summer: a time of planting and growing; Fall: A Time of closing and change; Winter: a time of cold, barrens, roots going deep, appearance that all is gone when in actuality, deep growth is taking place.

Today, I am sharing in my public podcast a bible study I recorded this month for all of the people who are in my membership, Life With Sally. I teach a Bible study each month. (As well as legacy talks from many years of conferences, An Awaking Wonder Education focus, recipes, classical composers, traditions, printable, books for women, and soooo much more. I would be so happy to have you join me in my monthly membership because it is a wonderful community of women gathered together for inspiration and discipleship.

Hope it encourages you today.

But remember, whatever season you find yourself in is eventually going to pass. But God is aware of your season and He will give you wisdom, strength, grace to walk through the seasons with Him by your side to provide you with insight and understanding into the ways he is working in the world.

What season are you in right now? I pray you will find hope wherever you find yourself. Praying for you all.