Minding Our Minds

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What if someone could read your thoughts—would you like what they see?

Worship the Lord Your God with all of your mind, we are told.

I call it “minding your mind” because thinking, learning, understanding, creating—so many things we do with our minds, are to be a focus of our worship of God. Worshipping God with our mind requires a focus, intentionality, effort, a plan.

"As a man thinks, so is he." Proverbs. 23:7

Often we think of worship as singing, praising and lifting our arms up to God. But to worship God means to honor Him and to place Him as our lens of focus through which we see and live all of our lives.

Filling our minds with truth, pondering Christ, cherishing that which is holy is a part of this worship. God admonishes us to "delight ourselves in His law." Psalm 1; to hide His word in our hearts and minds; to think true thoughts.

We are told to think only on those things which are worthy of Him:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

Philippians 4:8

What we eat, we become—so it is with food for thought, what we consume determines what we think, how we behave. What do you feed your every day? Are you reading noble stories? Filling your mind with God's word? With truth? Rejecting thoughts that lead you to bitterness, strife or worldliness?

We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,

II Corinthians 10: 5

Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ--take every wrong thought and make it a prisoner who will submit.

Worshipping God with our mind takes intention, investment, time.

I have never met a deeply spiritual leader who did not think deeply, clearly and well. My spiritual mentors are those who cause me to think more highly of God. They are those who sharpen me with their ponderings of God, Christ, thoughts of eternity, truth, doctrine.

Worshipping God with our minds requires a commitment, a plan, an intention.

Join me on my podcast today for more on thoughts.