Goodness: The Power to Fight Darkness

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Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday!

Tea is the gateway drug to biscuits!

I love this little card and I take it to heart. Almost every afternoon with my cup of tea, I either chop a large brownie or piece of cake into 4 smaller pieces and eat one at each tea time. Sometimes a dark, chocolate salted almond piece of chocolate (40 calories) and it makes me happy.

Today, I speak of an amazing man who literally searches for treasures all over the world. Such a metaphor to a life of looking for all that is good and beautiful.

Sometimes we find ourselves, in the privacy of our own world, exhausted from giving and giving and giving in this world that so needs the love and light of Christ. I am not speaking of overcommitment, but of the hidden and real circumstances that are upon our personal lives that sometimes require us to make decisions of our will and out of a spirit-led heart, to keep going forward in God’s ways and in obedience to Him, one day, one decision at a time.

Lately, in some weariness of my own, from culture, circumstances, work, and more, I have been pondering that my life lived as a servant leader of God has required more of me than I ever thought. And yet, by understanding how to make decisions of faith, endurance, and steadfastness, I have seen the Holy Spirit allow me to be a part of His bringing light to the world through me—and so daily, I count the cost and keep giving of myself.

When we read in the Word, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good,” this is a call out of passivity to action and into engaging, to spreading the moral excellence through each aspect of our lives that God has called us to. Today, I discuss what that has meant to me lately. I hope it will encourage you.

A tea drink called London Fog, an encounter with a real live treasure seeker, a Celeriac casserole, a favorite playlist, a favorite fiction that encourages goodness in the midst of evil, —one of my favorites and some Churchill words, and so much more in today’s Tea Time Tuesday. Pour yourself that tea and have a biscuit or sweetie.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to order your copy of my newest book, Givng Your Words:


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