Welcoming Holiday Celebration with Joy

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“Tea is a sacred ritual in which friendship is treasured, hearts are shared and sweet memories are made.”

Sipping warm tea in my favorite blue hand crafted mug, while curled up in my pj's, I am listening to Christmas music, I am as happy as a clam. (how ever happy they are?!) Remember that bubbling excitement you felt as a child when you looked at a sparkling Christmas tree with presents underneath and anticipated Christmas morning? God Himself created us for pleasure and joy and comfort and beauty and all the deep down satisfying feelings of pleasure.He mounted a chorus of angels at the first birthday party of Jesus--He just couldn't hold back celebrating!

To me, Thanksgiving is the entry way to preparing my heart to be filled and renewed with a love for Christ. I need child-like excitement and gratitude to fill my heart again, so that I might bring light into my year ahead. Now is when I begin to play music that goes deep into my soul with words that point to the amazing incarnation of God become baby. I light candles galore and remember that He is the source of my light and goodness. I see Christmas as “preparing Him room,” indeed.

Part of my plan is to plan celebrations for each of my people, those given to me especially in my inner circle, times to affirm their deep value to my heart, ways to celebrate our friendship. Last week Sarah and I made space for a lovely tea time in London—hours to open the ponderings of our hearts to one another. And I have plans for all of my other lovelies that we might make time for one another amidst the “busy” of full lives.

Cherishing joy and creating it and placing pleasure into the difficulties of life is a way we become artists of light and beauty and creators in His image. Even as HE casts a glowing pink sunrise every morning for me to behold and honor and enjoy, so I can cast in the midst of darkness light, color and beauty that brings hope.

And so overcoming doesn't mean simply gutting it out, grinding our teeth in an, "I will make it if it kills me," sort of attitude.  It means crafting pleasure in the midst of darkness which eventually reaches our souls and helps us remember His light and beauty. And I have found that in the obedience of cultivating light and joy in my home and life, even when I do not feel it, invests in my eventual happiness because as my sweet ones around me, whom I serve become delighted in my life celebrations, my own soul becomes encouraged. I know it isn't Christmas yet, but I so enjoyed my George Winston Christmas album this morning in the early morning chill of dawn, and so it became a comfort to myself.

Today on Tea Time Tuesday, I offer an old favorite traditional Christmas album, that I listened to in my own home, (The Majesty and Glory of Christmas) tea sandwich recipes, a book of encouragement, Sarah’s favorite Christmas reads, Joel’s story about creating music, a Tea Time in London and why the train trips are some of the best part, and more. Praying blessing for each of you today, my friends. Jesus, coming into the world enlightens every man. Sending love your way.

Don’t miss this advent list of readings from Sarah: