We All Need Gentleness, Not Criticism Right Now

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I am ridiculously happy today that I get to go back to Oxford this week and see my precious grandchildren and children. They fill my heart with hope and love. I hope you have something you are looking forward to.

We all need gentleness and grace these days. Don’t. you agree? What a week it has been, what a 3 years it has been!

When people are anxious or depressed, they all handle it in different ways. Some go inside and are depressed and possibly fearful. Some become angry or anxious. But the reality is, as we look at the landscape of the past several years, we have been bombarded with one challenge, tragedy, difficulty after another. It is possible that many have a sort of emotional PTSD -- what next? And haven't even gotten over the suppressing their needs of the last few years. So, this is a time, really like all times, when we all need grace, gentleness, patience, expressed love.

All of us fail. We fail to meet our own ideals. We fail to always love consistently. We are petty and selfish of heart in ways that often no one but God sees (thank goodness). The older I get and see my heart more clearly, the more humbled I become, wondering at God's generous mercy and grace. This knowledge should produce compassion in all of us, patience with others, sympathy with their struggles.

Let your relationships be ruled by love and grace. When you give a person hope, you help motivate them in the direction of a productive life that can move forward, even in difficult times. Yet, I have seen a lot of criticism both in my personal world as well as social media at large.

I have also received a lot of love, affirmation, encouragement—and that gives me life. Let us consider how to build one another up.

*Be sure to download Your free Lifegiving Mother Journal on SallyClarkson.com

Enjoy my podcast with some friends who showed me that for many years, when I didn’t even know it, He was working in amazing ways.

I wish you a gentle day full of love and hope.