Tea Time Tuesday: Courage Will Lead us Forward: Daniel

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“A cup of tea is a brilliant excuse to take a little time to think over what matters in life.” -Anon

Darcy dog, Miss Tea Cup, and I sat out on my front porch, lilacs in bloom (the deer ate the bottom ones!) with music dancing in my ear, and we all gave life a “think.” Taking time to ponder life and to lift it up before God adds to the wisdom and peace of your soul.

As I was about to podcast, I moved to my deck on the back of our house, and there but 25 feet away was a large black bear ambling through the trees near my house. I quickly decided that maybe I would record my podcast indoors! You can hear the story of our wildlife this week on my podcast today.

Courage is a word I have chosen to focus on in my own life and I will be talking about it a bit the next few weeks. All of us can feel quite overwhelmed by the darkness of circumstances around us. Yet, courage means: exercising mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Courage gives us a path of action in this difficult world. Courage is training our children to develop spiritual muscle, to cultivate the self-image of being a hero in their lifetime in representing the story and reality of the Kingdom of God. It is in watching us as parents choose courage and practice faith and hopefulness in front of them where our children, neighbors, and friends will be inspired to live their own lives of courage.

I always told my children, “Perhaps you will become Daniels in your lifetime. Even though he was a prisoner, a refugee in Babylon, one of the most evil, pagan civilizations in the world, He had such a godly influence and exhibited such faith, that when he died, 65,000 people wanted to “worship the God of Daniel.”

My friends, we are raising Daniels in our homes, and in our Bible study groups. You have a choice to live with courage and to bring His light to bear in your world. (More on the podcast today.)

There are books, a recipe, a favorite song—so much I hope you enjoy today as you sip and think. Bless you, my friends.


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