Tea Time Tuesday: The Out of the Box Life

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“Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp.” – The Minister of Leaves

I have been pondering "should" lately — we are often ruled by them.

You should......! But most of my life, I have lived by the beat of a different drummer and it has led me to joy, peace, delight, deep love.

A Clarkson child said, "I wonder what people would think if they really knew what we believed and how we lived, that we are pretty out of the box and free to enjoy life."

Hmmm — so Christians aren't supposed to have too much fun or live wildly or freely — or question supposed Christian authorities — or celebrate life too much or live free from condemnation and guilt?

Another asked, "Wouldn't it be great some day if we didn't care what people thought?

A hazard of living in the public eye, I suppose.

But, I do love to move beyond the "expectations" and figure out what really is authentic in life, what really matters, how to experience the joy we were designed to know, every day, and to see the God that is not a tame lion.

Hmm, Jesus pretty much upset those who lived in the box of his day — as a matter of fact, he got crucified for being out of the box, and not fitting in with the "leaders."

Rarely, do I meet others who make me want to love God more, be more idealistic, live by wild faith, & life-sacrificing love.

When the life of Jesus is in our midst, there is a palpable crackle in the air, a sparkle to the lights & shadows of His dance amongst us.

Imagine — the creator of the universe — the one who played games with galaxies and atoms, romantic love and sunsets — He in our midst.

Many live primarily by "shoulds", guilt, worry, sighing, comparing, inadequacy.

He did not create us to live in such a way. He came to give life — and life abundantly. The joy of the Lord is to be our strength — and yet — what have the voices of this world done to our joy?

What have the messages of today's church done to mount "should do's", measuring righteousness by the boxes of theology instead of by the people we love and those we serve a cup of cold water or share our coats or meals with?

Perhaps our children and ourselves long for something more — Kingdom is coming, my friends.

Today: Favorite books, A delightful movie, a haunting song, Favorite bites, and so much more.