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As I looked at my handsome, strong Nathan, a flashback flooded my thoughts. “King of the Mountain” he would proclaim with confidence, fearlessly facing the evil foe when he was a little boy.. Heroes lived in the heart of my boy Nathan. .Now, here we were together again, climbing mountainous rocks, and once again, he is king of the mountain, but this day, he was my real life, grown up hero.

Last week, he persuaded me. “Mom,” he insisted, “Next week, you will be in Oxford and we will be in New York. You only have this day to make one more memory, to be with us on adventure day. Cancel your appointments and come with us. We want to be with you.”

And so I did, last week.

Surprising me always, Nathan announced, “I have chosen an unusually beautiful place to take you girls as a surprise. It is sort of a very small “Grand Canyon.”

Winding through the farm fields, losing ourselves in the swaying, dancing golden wild flowers out the window, we listened to hauntingly beautiful music as we drove toward his place. A small canyon with trails straight down a rocky pathway downward presented itself as we emerged from our car.

My osteoarthritis and hip surgery has left my toes numb and prevents me from bending all the way to the ground. Falling is often a fear that clouds my mind.

“Mama, I know you love adventure and I know you are also just a little fragile. So, I am going to hold your arm every step of the way so that you can enjoy the beauty of our hike and be at ease knowing I will take care of you.”

And so he did, every step of the way, he held my arm or offered his. “Now be careful! You can make it.”

And now, my adult, grown up boy, now valiantly fighting for goodness in his real life, became a real, present hero to me this day—ever gentle, ever encouraging, holding me with his strong arms so that his mama could adventure once again. He knew I would be delighted to see the wildness and hear the sounds of wind blowing through canyon walls. I had once led him to beautiful places. Now, he was leading me. But he couldn't even know how it deeply touched my mama heart for him to patiently care for me every step of the way, chatting, holding fast, cheering me at every step.

Last week, I explored a wild canyon with the man who is my real life valiant hero.