Sometimes Supermama Just Has to Take a Break

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Recently, I slipped out early one morning to the back deck, still in the 50-degree temperature, and donned a hoody to sip tea and read. Nathan came outside and said, “Super Mama!” All red and blue. :)

Sometimes even Super Mama has to take a break. As I looked at the next 10 days, I realized a rare fact. No matter how hard I work or how much effort I put into the hours of my days, I literally do not have time or energy to get everything done. So I am eliminating some things to be sure I get the essential things done.

I’m hosting my leader’s conference with my jewels of co-leaders at home this weekend. Did I mention my oven broke and we cannot get another one until I am in Oxford? So I am making all of our dinners ahead of time on my stove and freezing them. Good luck, Clay, getting the oven.

The day after the conference ends, I will be on a plane to London. Packing for months away in my new home is a gargantuan task for me.

The day after I arrive, I have to finish packing up one house, cleaning out the refrigerator, all the places, cleaning, etc. Then comes the move and the unpacking and sorting and being out of control of life for a few days and restocking the cupboards—now where did I put my electric toothbrush and my pajamas?

And finally, finishing the last part of one book, putting together a launch team for another book coming out — and all the other “things” we do every day—eat, sleep, at least a little……

So, my friends, pray for me to run this marathon well and finish still alive. I’ll be back to see many of you at W&F. Sending love, prayers, and lots of wishes for you to have a bit of fun tucked into the days of your lives.

I’ll be back sometime if I am still alive and well. I’ll be taking a podcast and Tea Time Tuesday break. More tea time Tuesdays to come.


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