Wisdom: The Word of the Day

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"As a man thinks, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
love her, and she will watch over you.
7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get[
a] wisdom.
Though it cost all you have,[
b] get understanding.
8 Cherish her, and she will exalt you;
embrace her, and she will honor you.
9 She will give you a garland to grace your head
and present you with a glorious crown.”

Proverbs 4: 6-9

“Mama, I need advice. I need guidance.”

All of us need wisdom every day. Jesus tells us to worship him with our minds--to love Him with our minds. The ability to think biblically is no small matter in a world that shouts to us with values that are worldly, pumping out lies about life, family, morality,  in thousands of ways every day.

And yet, I find that very few people, know how to think biblically. In the absence of biblical wisdom, people go the way of culture.

Followers abound--those who find it easier to just do what others tell them to do, without really thinking through scripture or pondering it for themselves. So often, most people live in the philosophy, advice, boxes made by other people.

But God desires us to seek Him, to ponder Him, to listen to His voice, to read His word, and to be so familiar with scripture that He has a vocabulary to use in our lives that comes straight from the Bible.

Children who learn from an early age to read the Word, to digest its truth, to ponder its meaning, to pray over it to God, become those who have the ability to discern God's ways and to live in the freedom of worshiping a God who will direct their ways.

A person who owns and cherishes the wisdom of God has advantages in His life. Wherever he goes, the Holy Spirit will counsel him, lead him, guide him and give comfort and perspective. The Bible is the vocabulary that the Holy Spirit uses to lead us in his ways.

If you do not teach your children to think biblically and to love the word, no moralizing, no lecturing, no influence will work well, because it is not grounded in truth.

Giving words of wisdom will guide your children their whole lives. This is a truth that is very close to my heart — that is why we wrote Giving Your Words. I would be honored if you would join the launch team for Giving Your Words, to help get this message and this book in front of more parents and people. By signing up, you would not only be connected with countless other wonderful people who are doing the same thing, but be able to enter incredible giveaways and be given early access to the book. You can sign up for the team by clicking here.

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