Tea Time Tuesday: Hope in the Mess of Life

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“While there is tea, there is hope.” -Arthur Wing Pinero

Today, at the end of a very draining, busy day, my sweet friend sat with me in my new back garden and we spoke as friends, shared one another’s burdens and gave one another hope. How I wish you could be here with me and I would love to have sweet conversations with you.

What a thoughtful week to have been able to review some of the legacy that Queen Elizabeth left for us to follow. Also, I wanted to share with you about the joys of pubs—and the amazing experience of punting on quiet, beautiful rivers. All in my tea time Tuesday podcast.

I have been struck lately by the thought that while mamas often give beyond measure for years on end, sometimes, their children, who are young or older and immature, unseasoned, criticize, retaliate for the difficulties in life, seem not to have noticed or remembered anything of the mama’s work and sacrifice. The mamas believe that nothing they have done really matters. Self-condemnation for not having been “perfectly mature” plagues them.

But sometimes the only way a child learns is by going through hard times when they do not want to accept instruction. That does not mean the sweet mama has failed—it means the child is making choices that do not always reflect the love and wisdom they had been given. This process started with Adam and Eve.

—and we have to stand back and let God have His way in their lives—to offer love and help but to understand that sometimes, it is not wanted or requested. Isn’t that how it is with God? He patiently waits for us to turn to Him, to listen, after we have walked in our own strength.

And that is how my very good life has been — beautiful and wonderful amidst many mistakes, many flaws, many immature moments. Yet, God's grace is like a beautiful cloth that covers the scars on my well-beloved old tables. His love and grace cover my imperfections. 

Take a cup of tea, give yourself and a friend hope!