Leaving A Faithful Legacy

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What a week! A whirlwind trip to the USA, a life-inspiring moment in a conference that reminded me of my vows to biblical ideals, great food and friends, a lovely book and more!—as well as the Queen’s preference for tea times.

Several years ago, after touring Buckingham Palace, I was drawn to this beautiful china mug dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, as many such mugs have been dedicated. As a young woman who studies history, I had been captivated by her faith and faithfulness and courage. And so I purchased one and put it away in a safe place. Now, I will cherish it even more because it is a graphic picture of the woman who promised to serve God and her people, never even comprehending how long or arduous it would be. And yet, for 70 years she worked diligently for her people and she remained faithful to her promise until her recent death.

Imagine the average 21 year old, coming to understand that she would have a stewardship to work on behalf of her country, serving constantly for 70 years to do her best to cause her country to flourish—through war, through eras of huge cultural battles, through devastating and public family scandals and difficulty, in a scope all over the world. How many of us truly understand the commitment to give our whole lives to serve—to serve our king, willingly, generously and with all of our heart—this has been my ponder this week as I have reflected the breadth of the legacy I have left and. hope to leave in the years to come.

This is what the young woman, Elizabeth, pledged,

“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” Queen Elizabeth, at 21

And then her pledge was to cost her 7 decades of faithful, generous service. How could she have known—and yet her pledge to God kept her faithful.

In her first public broadcast as queen, she prayed and asked her people to pray:

'Pray for me … that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life. Queen Elizabeth

This week, both in America and back here in the UK, I have been pondering how commitments, vows, dedications of words hold us faithful to ideals we have committed to. Join me on Tea time Tuesday as I ponder the importance of making commitments to God, to review them, to live by them.

What are some of your commitments that you have written, reviewed, held fast to our of worship of and reverence of God?

Join me today as I ponder the power of vows and promises we make in our lifetime.

As per usual, there is a book to get, food that has inspired, quotes and verses that carry me.

What are the commitments, words you have made, held dear before God and will carry through thick and thin?