Teatimes Waiting to Happen

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Tea Time Tuesday:

“A teatime mentor is always on the hunt for more tea cups, and dealing of the friends and people where she will celebrate life over tea!”

Please don’t tell Clay—he thinks I have quite enough tea cups! I just couldn’t help it. I innocently passed by a charity shop (second-hand shop) and this little tea set called out my name (6 dessert plates, 6 cups and saucers, a cake serving plate, a creamer and sugar cup, all in great shape!). To top it off, it was 30% discounted and I got the whole set for $25. What a deal. I already imagined friends sitting together, bubbling over with ideas, thoughts, friendship abounding. Yes, teatime discipleship is what I have come to call it! Why don’t you come for a visit and hot cuppa if you are ever in my neighborhood?

After I arrived home in Oxford, I was looking forward to some warmer weather and a walking life. But my phone said, “Oxford Drizzle” (is that a thing?) and so the winds blew, my umbrella blew upside down 3 times, but I made it to my market and bought fresh blueberries, salad, goat cheese, walnuts and scurried home—wet as a rat when I arrived. Oxford drizzle!

Today on my podcast, I talk of the “jacket story,” my favorite quick winter lunch sandwich, a new book I am loving as a resource, my favorite new acoustic music channel on Spotify, and sweet, fun memories of my week here.

Many women have written me along the way to ask, “What if I have blown it? What if I am too late to reach the hearts of my children? My family? My husband? My friends? Is there any going back or making up for the ways I have blown it?”

And another question I get is, “What if I have done everything in my power to be a good mom, to train, to educate, to reach the heart of my child, and they rebel and reject all that I have taught them?”

One small podcast isn’t enough space to answer in depth these crucial questions, but at this stage of my life, I have learned that God’s word always provides truth, comfort, hope and perspective. This is a marathon of a life for most of us, but with every step, I come to see the loving, gracious compassion and sympathy of God at work. Most issues take longer than I want them to take—God rarely seems in a hurry. Yet, He companions us each step.

Sip your tea or coffee with me today and rest in His generous love. Praying for you all.