Tea Time Tuesday: Morning Delighting in Life

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“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22

I wish you could have joined me early this morning. It was rather delightful.

The sun was not quite up and so I lit the candles on my dining nook table in my kitchen, poured myself a strong cup of tea (with sugar—I haven't died yet). I have put a small couch in my dining nook because it has windows that face my outside smallish garden. I sat quietly in the candlelight, music wafting softly in the background, and sipped my golden tea. Just then a small bird came hopping up to my window and sang a bird song. I took delight into my heart. I think it was an angel or God.

That is what I hope you will have today while we have tea together.

Joel and I attended church Saturday night because we planned a very fun, only pleasure Sunday. Cold, cold, cold weather means we always wear hats, but we did have lots of fun.

On today’s podcast:

  • Bagpipes bellowing. 

  • A sunset walk on the canal. 

  • A Sunday morning very frosted cinnamon roll.

  • Sunday roast is on the menu today. Also, pomegranate seeds, and kiwi fruit.

  • An indoor winter picnic story remembered. 

  • 5 Ways to Brighten Your Day, to refresh you.

Today, we join Pooh Bear for a few moments as Pooh's purpose is to bring delight into the world. Milne, his creator, crafted stories after World War I specifically to bring joy to the world.

What are the most delightful, joy-filled books you know? Share them, please.

This week, I am on a quest for delight—for myself and my people. We all need some moments to put away darkness and to invest in beauty, fun, celebration. Determine that this will be a week when you bring joy, beauty, delight to yourself and your beloveds.