Autumn, Glorious fall!
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The palette of God's painting is the splendid world of color, where He crafts His beauty for our pleasure. Daily walks fill my soul with worship, as I look for the amazing detail He has added to the world goes to bring our souls joy! The colors of fall and the billowing leaves blowing to His symphony give me great pleasure. I was sitting quietly the other morning watching the leaves literally dancing as they fluttered in breezes onto a lake that shined with waves whipping about in the wind. It was a symphony and ballet of natural beauty and delight.
Creating and noticing beauty, the loveliness of life, and the gift of sweet relationships with my littles is an emotional and spiritual defense against being overcome by evil and darkness. I am not a Pollyanna, I am an intentional warrior for light, redemption, and hope. I search for this beauty as a way of life. I seek to extend this kindness and life-giving love to others as a way of life.
Yet, one must take the time to notice, or the loveliness of the moment will be lost. Throughout our lives, I have done my best to take my sweet ones with me to observe God's artistry.
I would ask them to: "Name all the colors you can see in the sunset sky." or say ..."How many different shapes of leaves have fallen to the ground? Look at each design—they are as beautiful and as different as snowflakes."
To not take notice is to ignore God.
So when we create beauty and order, we are co-artists with God. Our artistry shows up in the color of our homes, the interesting ways we place books, pictures, paintings, and objects of interest, all reflecting His imprint on our lives.
How will you show His reality, beauty, love, companionship through your life today? I would love more ideas from you, my friends.
Wisdom That Guides Me:
1. Choose to believe In God's goodness.
2. Remember, this is the broken place.
3. Understand, God has overcome the world.
4. Know you are loved and never alone.
5. Life is about more than you can see at this moment.
Today on my Tea Time Tuesday podcast, I speak of moths, a surprise box of tea, foundations of hope, a crunchy salad, an inspiring set of books, a song, and more. Join me, won’t you?