There is Character Built Through the Stormy Parts of Life

There is no formula in this world to make suffering, injustice, evil, difficulty, and the consequences of living with immature and unloving people disappear. We all have unanswered questions like “Why did this terrible thing happen?”

So how do we move through the unanswerable, overwhelming darkness and pain common to all in life? How do we accept our own failures and learn to heal and move on?

We usually look for quick fixes, and often, instead of waiting for God’s answer or God’s source of relief, we try in our own efforts to shorten the process by taking matters into our own hands.

Sometimes we mess things up even further. We certainly do not want to stay in the middle of the storms of life and wait for them to be over. And yet, often, that is just what we have to do—wait them out.

There is character built, humility learned, compassion developed, and sympathy kindled through the stormy parts of life. In order to bring light and truth into a dark world as a follower of Christ, we must face the harsh realities of disappointment, despair, and difficulties in the real world with courage, faith, wisdom, and light given by Him and learned through the circumstances of our own lives.

Read more about this in Help I’m Drowning.