Tea Time Tuesday: The Pathway to Becoming Mature is to Accept Advice

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Tea Time Tuesday

Three years ago, I had moved into a new house, a new city (Oxford), and a new country! I put out a notice on Facebook that I would be hosting a women’s Bible study in my home and I would love for anyone to come. That first night, 15 women showed up. And so it began…

Now, these lovely, fun, vibrant women are my best friends in Oxford. Tonight we were meeting for a monthly dinner (though we meet every week in between for tea and coffee). We were sending one of our members off to the US where she and her husband will start a new job.

About 40 women have been through our study. Women from 7 countries, different ages, backgrounds, and life stories, but all of us knit together by hours and hours of time invested in one another. Some of my friends gathered for a photo, some were behind the scenes taking photos, laughing, telling us all how to smile, etc. We are now a community of close friends.

I have been leading such groups since I was 19—50 years ago. I have been one of the richest women in the world because of the sweet fellowship and deep friendships I have experienced.

This is what my new book, Teatime Discipleship, is all about: creating a place where people can become friends, grow in faith, and find support and encouragement. I hope you will be inspired by the stories I shared in my book. I hope you will begin a group and find out who might be hoping for just such a group.

Today, I asked a few of these friends if they would share with you why they come every week in the cold weather, in spite of busy schedules, jobs, and responsibilities. It was so sweet to hear their answers. I hope it will also encourage you.

This is a very rich week for Tea Time Tuesday—one of the best movies, great music, good food, a hero to be inspired by, some of Clay’s and my story, and so much more.

Be sure to grab your own copy of Teatime Discipleship, share with a friend and join me and women all over the world as we start a movement of gathering with excellent women.

Tell me about your group that you meet with, or how you might plan to start such a group.

Have a cup of tea, and enjoy a few minutes of peace.