The Power of Returning Spring

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“Earth, teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.”

-William Alexander

Recently, I realized that I had been in England every year for the past four years during the daffodil blooming season. These yellow lovelies are happy flowers, delighted to be alive, blooming in their glory.

It was so wondrous after a very cold winter with the dark and dirty that comes with it, to be reminded that spring is on the way—nothing can hold it back. Perhaps many of us need to have hope that there is a spring season of life, beauty, and strength just ahead. 

Each winter when all appears to be dead or dying, daffodils pop up, as if out of nowhere, to proclaim, there just may be a surprise and delightful life ahead.

The Unstoppable Power of Returning Spring

God masterfully transcribed lessons and insights of life into the very warp and woof of His creation. Spring, summer, winter, and fall cast the pulse of life as we experience it.

A time to bloom, to grow full-blown, to harvest, then all dies, for a season. Until the cycle of life starts over again.

But winter will not have the last word.

There are winters in our lives—times when it appears that everything is dead or dying. Cold, stormy weather beats at the windows of our hearts as well as the window pains of our rooms. As Jesus said in Matthew, there will be times when the storms will burst against our house.

During this darkness of the cold, there is a deepening of roots that will allow new and better growth, a putting off of the old leaves and wilted fruit to make way for the new. It is in the darkest of nights that wisdom is learned, perspective is given, and humility clothes our souls.

In winter, gloom flows over and the fog of despair rains hard on our hearts. This is not the end of our story.

The power of returning spring is unstoppable, as though God's song refuses to be quieted.

A force so strong that it defies all other forces, life will indeed show its glory, beauty, and strength, again.

Every year, when darkness seems longest, daffodils spring up first, Blooming "with all of their heart," they proclaim, hope is coming, light is on its way!

These, are a true picture of resurrection life.