Tea Time Tuesday, 2 Days Late

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“Best friends are those you can do everything with or nothing at all and still have fun and feel accepted.”

My friends, I love this community. I feel like I am coming back. Wish you could have tea today with me as I share my crazy days. After the necessary flurry of launching a book into the world, flying back to Oxford, settling in as much as possible; then having a team of people from my publishers come for 5 days to work on a really exciting project, I am barely beginning to breathe peaceful moments into life again.

The past few days took us about 23,000 steps each day all over Oxford to photograph “my places” and to record my thoughts about life. (It may become a book down the line.) We even had 2 gorgeous, almost warm days!

Today on Tea Time Tuesday, I speak of broiled trout with lemon-dill sauce, peach-almond bread, roasted red peppers, onions, mushrooms, and potatoes, and a lovely book, movie, and more.

So, is it too early to have spring fever?

Don't you think that God meant for us to go outside, to take naps under budding trees, to breathe in pleasure when everything is alive and inviting after a long hard winter?

An overwhelming desire to escape is rushing through every molecule of my being. To breathe apart from responsibility, or phone calls, requests or demands from loved ones. Just time to blow.

My house needs organizing. Groceries need to be bought. Meals must be made. Birthday presents for Clay, Sarah and Joy need to be gathered. But, my brain is empty and I just want to play, or nap, or watch a movie!

A maid would be appreciated right now, and a personal massage therapist in my home at my beck and call. And someone to provide a fully cooked, fresh, oh-so-tasty meal—where I do not have to wash a single dish. Coffee and a pastry at a cafe every day.

Do you have spring fever, too? What would you do now if you had no responsibilities?

Blessings and blessings to you today, friends.