Happy Mother's Day Giveaway!

Motherhood is by far the most comprehensive and difficult role I have played in my lifetime. It challenged me, stretched me, broadened me, instructed me, cultivated my faith and prayer life more than I could ever have imagined.

Motherhood is also the best ideal in which I have ever invested my life. it called me to my best self.

Some of my best memories are when I was holding infant Sarah in my arms and she looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled just for me, and I knew I held a treasure that God had entrusted into my arms that had eternal significance and infinite worth. And then I got to repeat this three more times.

Those times when I nursed and sang lullabies late at night when my baby would pat my chest. The nightly talks, lying together in bed and secrets saved just for mama, me! The “Look at me, mama!” pride of trusting me with those little but big in their eyes, accomplishments (riding a bike, drawing a masterpiece that only a mama could tell what it was, sharing doubts, deep heart thoughts)… the dinner table talks, the evenings on the deck in the dark by the fire where we all shared in friendship, the snuggle on the couch reading together, mountain hikes, family days, birthday cinnamon rolls with “why I love appreciate you” sharing. Sleeping together under the stars and loving our little wonder-filled community. Bedroom talks over tea and chocolate chip cookies where dreams were shared.

I love my children to my very depths, they are my best friends, they are amazing and wonderful and such a soul-filling gift.

And next Sunday, we celebrate all mothers. So today, I want to give away 5 of my books, Teatime Discipleship, to honor you precious mamas who give so much of yourselves. It matters so very much.

Enter the giveaway through my IG (@sally.clarkson) or my Facebook fanpage.

Maybe your mama would love a copy of Teatime Discipleship.