Tea Time Tuesday: Coronation Day

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As I shyly walked into the church where the coronation was being shown on a large screen, balloons were flying around, decorations abounded, a hat was thrown onto my head and an extroverted gentlemen said with a large smile, “Long live the king!” And that was the beginning of a delightful celebration.

Hip, hip hooray was roundly cheered several times, we all stood for the king to sing the national anthem twice, and a feast of grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, chicken and salmon sizzled on 6 grills out in the rain and everyone celebrated by eating to their hearts’ content. It was definitely a day I would not quickly forget.

The enthusiasm, the sacredness of the ceremony and call to be a servant leader touched me. To hear of a national leader bowing before God with accountability to serve his people was a picture of what our own Jesus has done. I do understand the complexities of all the issues surrounding the monarchy—but the service touched a deep place in my heart.

Today, on Tea Time Tuesday, I speak of one of my favorite children’s authors and illustrators, a new recipe, the profound influence of music on our brains, beauty as something that lowers adrenalin and the ways of rhythms in life. How has your week been?

Blessings and blessings my friends.